Alchemy for Catalyst

CBKCBK Member Posts: 3
Hi all,
I think Alchemy option can included in main menu
Why Alchemy

We can form new
items, potions, rarely mastery items, golds, units, battle chips, loyalty chips, 4,5,6 star shards, 1,2 star crystals, rarely 3,4,5 crystals,
rarely 6* shards, arena boost, health potions, energy refill small & Large, health boost, energy boost, etc.,

how it works
for example we are mixing
100 1 tier basic catalyst + 100 1 tier class catalyst (skill) = (Result) 10 loyalty chips
1 health boost small + 1 small energy refill = (result) 1 Small revive

so like that...

I think it can work instead of selling the all items.

Thank You all.
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