Strong Gold 2 alli looking for strong replacements/merger for retiring players

With changes to life we have many players taking a break from the game and the alli is looking for replacements for next season. We are a close, friendly group in the alli. AQ/AW (season) is a must and AW off season is optional. We are friendly and understanding. Mistakes do not lead to an automatic boot/kick. This is a game, we do take it seriously but we also are not military. Enjoying the game, getting rewards, ranking is important but so is decency. If you are interested please respond here, Line or in game. ID is DrWey
Several players are platinum level players but at that level it is demanding for our schedules in life (yes i am a real doctor working with covid19 patients and still find time to play).
We are still discussing how many spots will be open and would consider a merger.
Look forward to hearing from you.
LINE ID, in game ID
With changes to life we have many players taking a break from the game and the alli is looking for replacements for next season. We are a close, friendly group in the alli. AQ/AW (season) is a must and AW off season is optional. We are friendly and understanding. Mistakes do not lead to an automatic boot/kick. This is a game, we do take it seriously but we also are not military. Enjoying the game, getting rewards, ranking is important but so is decency. If you are interested please respond here, Line or in game. ID is DrWey
Several players are platinum level players but at that level it is demanding for our schedules in life (yes i am a real doctor working with covid19 patients and still find time to play).
We are still discussing how many spots will be open and would consider a merger.
Look forward to hearing from you.
LINE ID, in game ID
Message me in game DrWey. I’m Having a problem with Line so please message me in game first. Thanks and look forward to talking to you.