Contined bugs problems and the time andriod players need mods no one around to sort it out
First it was the domano crashs(iphone)no compension .then the double evade problem(all devices)for a month a month of us geting skewed spendingunits and money for revies coz u completly removed the revies we were geting frm aq milestones. Then for us poor souls doingLOL WE FORCED TO SPEND 1000S OF UNITS ON CHAMPS LIKE VENOM...VENOMPOOOL SPID3Y BECOZ OF A PROBLEM ON UR SIDE THAT U ADMITED BEING A PROBLEM.ONCE AGAIN NO COMPENSTION... NOW WE HAVE SUPER LAG IN LOL THAT U DIE FROM CRASHES THAT U DIE FRM NO HALF HEALTH U GET K.O IN LOL ....AND NOW WE CANT EVEN GET IN THE GAME IF WE USE ANDRIODS ... ALL THE ACTIONS U GUYS MAKE TO FIX OR ADRESS THE PROBLEM IS JUST A HUGE F.... U PLAYERS SPEND MAKE US MONEY AND THATS THAT NO CARE FOR US AS PLAYERS