voluntary BUG?

Hello everyone,
Kabam I really start to think that all these bug introduced or leave as such updating after updating remains the same.
it is almost to believe that you do it on purpose, as you wanted the community stop little by little to play MCOC.

At the present time you can not stop the game because you risk ending up with a huge legal action and globally, so I think you do it on purpose to disgust the community to play the games.

all the updates bring even more bug than the previous update.
it is never seen in the world a company that brings as much bug with each update and that does not solve anything.

since version 15 I have to download + 500 mb every time I run the game.
I never had them problem before this update.

you are the worst society I have seen.
you do not deserve to exist as a society.


  • KestrelleKestrelle Member Posts: 441 ★★
    They can stop the game at any time without risk of legal action.
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hi there -

    I'm sorry to hear that you're upset and frustrated with our game. I can definitely understand feeling this way, but please let me try to ease some of the concern you're having.

    The bugs that appear in-game are just that. We do not "voluntarily" place bugs within the game. Anytime we get reports of a bug from players we are quick to alert out teams of the issue. To many, it may seem as though a lot of bugs are going untouched or unfixed while others are being fixed day of or within that week. However, going "untouched or unfixed" isn't correct.

    We've addressed this in the past prior where each bug is different and each one is going to take a different amount of time to be corrected. Some are going to be fixed quicker than others based on the "how", while others are going to take longer and much more engineering time. We apologize for the bugs you or other players run into and we by no means want it to happen every time. We also apologize for the amount of time some of these bugs take to fix and ask that patience be returned with it.

    I'm sorry to also hear you're having issues with the game re-downloading consistently. Miike had suggested a solution over here: http://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/comment/144252/#Comment_144252

    If this doesn't help you, please let me know (through message) so I can get more information about your device and have it looked into. Thank you.
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