8.9M Spartans LF 1 250k+ Europe/Africa/Middle east time zones preferred

We hit all milestones in all events.
Skilled group with almost all active in all arenas
Always complete 3 BG’s 100% in AQ expert tier map 5x5. 2-3 AW’s a week
Duels 650 3 day completion 15k
Comms is via lineapp
Looking for an active player with a good roster of champs. Preferably has over 250k rating with decent prestige
Don’t need to be a bosskiller .. just be able to clear your lane in AQ/AW and communicate well with your BG
Contact me on
Lineapp - genidiamin
In game - General Idiamin
Skilled group with almost all active in all arenas
Always complete 3 BG’s 100% in AQ expert tier map 5x5. 2-3 AW’s a week
Duels 650 3 day completion 15k
Comms is via lineapp
Looking for an active player with a good roster of champs. Preferably has over 250k rating with decent prestige
Don’t need to be a bosskiller .. just be able to clear your lane in AQ/AW and communicate well with your BG
Contact me on
Lineapp - genidiamin
In game - General Idiamin