First five star

GogetaGogeta Member Posts: 57
Just opened my first five star crystal and got thor(jane foster)is she a good champion?


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,502 ★★★★★
    Not bad. Can chain stun. Read description and utilize the Sp1 plus critical hits.

    Dr. Zola
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    edited October 2017
    She needs to be duped to be truely great.
    A lot don't rate her but duped she gets crits on stunned opponents and can chain stun to death
  • Sai_7Sai_7 Member Posts: 246
    she is a lot better than the iron man family ! my first 5 * was a Ronan! Now saving up for November/December to open 5 of them !! :smile:
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    She's pretty good and can be a stun beast if she's duped. I wouldn't mind having her but alas my luck with 5* so far has been subpar
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    She’s not the most popular but can be very effective if used right..take advantage of synergies and her awesome stun
  • BenFuryTheHero456BenFuryTheHero456 Member Posts: 79
    Not a god tier champ but take advantage of her stuns, she is better if duped, she can chain stuns to death. Use her crits well...
    My luck is average with 5* Crystals, opened 2 till now, got my 1st 5* storm, one of the best, and then my 2nd one, a hulkbuster, one of the worst, lol, can't understand what really happened...
  • FluffyFluffy Member Posts: 446 ★★
    Sai_7 wrote: »
    she is a lot better than the iron man family ! my first 5 * was a Ronan! Now saving up for November/December to open 5 of them !! :smile:

    My first 5* was OG Iron Man. Duped him on my 3rd crystal. He was also my first R4 5*. He is underrated. The arc overload means you have to kill him 2x. I have gotten very skilled at taking just the right amount of damage in AQ to start the next fight at 66-ish % health. He is too predictable to be used on AWD, but I have made good use of him on offense.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Fluffy wrote: »
    Sai_7 wrote: »
    she is a lot better than the iron man family ! my first 5 * was a Ronan! Now saving up for November/December to open 5 of them !! :smile:

    My first 5* was OG Iron Man. Duped him on my 3rd crystal. He was also my first R4 5*. He is underrated. The arc overload means you have to kill him 2x. I have gotten very skilled at taking just the right amount of damage in AQ to start the next fight at 66-ish % health. He is too predictable to be used on AWD, but I have made good use of him on offense.

    My first 5* was Iron Man, he's now level 60 rank 2.
    Naturally I used my tech cats on SL.
    Maybe I should show to old guy some love
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    OG Iron Man here too... Still unduped now though, and I have 17 5 stars and counting.
  • FluffyFluffy Member Posts: 446 ★★
    I have gotten very luck with T4 Tech Cats. I have two 5* champs at previously mentioned IM...and Peter Quill.
  • Crimsontide1616Crimsontide1616 Member Posts: 303 ★★
    Elektra was my first 5 star... followed by Loki.
    hulkbuster = megacrap
  • Sai_7Sai_7 Member Posts: 246
    One of my ally mates uses Superior Iron Man and Iron Man on AQs too. I have heard the same. but again they need to be on a good signature level for better Arc overload.
    Fluffy wrote: »
    Sai_7 wrote: »
    she is a lot better than the iron man family ! my first 5 * was a Ronan! Now saving up for November/December to open 5 of them !! :smile:

    My first 5* was OG Iron Man. Duped him on my 3rd crystal. He was also my first R4 5*. He is underrated. The arc overload means you have to kill him 2x. I have gotten very skilled at taking just the right amount of damage in AQ to start the next fight at 66-ish % health. He is too predictable to be used on AWD, but I have made good use of him on offense.

  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    My first 5* was also iron man! I did give him love back then because well, he's my first 5*, so I r3ed him.

    Miraculously, I duped him, making him one of the two 5* champs I have duped (the other being Magik). He was already quite decent, until I duped him again 2 5* crystals ago. So I went along and R4ed him!

    I don't regret the decision, he's good for dragging along in quest content as well as AQ and AW. When you can potentially heal over 10k from arc overload every fight, you know he's pretty sweet.
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