I’d say Angela and Civil Warrior’s buffs are pretty equally good, with the caveat that CW requires a harder play style. If you’re a fan of just laying into the opponent, you might prefer Angela. If you like a challenge with a big pay off, CW might be more your speed.
Additionally Angela relies slightly more on her sig ability for utility, it gives her DoT resistance for icarus for example, and resistance to nullify.
CW’s sig however is less necessary, it doesn’t give him more damage, and his utility doesn’t rely on it, but it’s definitely nice to have, since you take much less damage on block during specials, which can help his play style, but still doesn’t make or break the champion.
Also depends on your current roster, do you think you have a gap that either can fill? Do you have a good power controller? Hard hitter? Etc
This is so funny, I ranked my 6 star Angela to r2 because I had expiring catalysts. Had no idea she got buffed. I liked her anyway so it doesn't matter
Angela if u rank her gets MUCH better with her sig. It's on the same level that like cap iw need their sig imo. Just makes her so much better since it gives pretty much all her utility.
I haven’t seen any civil warrior gameplay but I’d say Angela is worth taking to rank 4 unawakened. I’d wait till you get her awakened to rank her up farther though.
Additionally Angela relies slightly more on her sig ability for utility, it gives her DoT resistance for icarus for example, and resistance to nullify.
CW’s sig however is less necessary, it doesn’t give him more damage, and his utility doesn’t rely on it, but it’s definitely nice to have, since you take much less damage on block during specials, which can help his play style, but still doesn’t make or break the champion.
Also depends on your current roster, do you think you have a gap that either can fill? Do you have a good power controller? Hard hitter? Etc
Dr. Zola