Mephisto the next AQ Boss?

As title suggests, as he seemed to be hand crafted to be an annoying AW boss, he would also make an equally frustrating AQ boss.
Who sees him as being the big bad for the next season. And the follow up question, will his sig be active or not. If anyone has done the Master quest without using Iceman, they know that the aura spam is the only thing that made him challenging.
Now imagine an AQ boss that has perma heal block on the node, has constant regen souls from all of the attempts on him, and every other combo procs an aura? That would be quite nerd rage inducing.
Who sees him as being the big bad for the next season. And the follow up question, will his sig be active or not. If anyone has done the Master quest without using Iceman, they know that the aura spam is the only thing that made him challenging.
Now imagine an AQ boss that has perma heal block on the node, has constant regen souls from all of the attempts on him, and every other combo procs an aura? That would be quite nerd rage inducing.
Though I was the only one that found dorm super easy to fight with no sig