To be TB or not by ranking up a champ I don't like at all

I just explored Variant 6 in expectation of getting Mystic T5cc to R3 my Dragon man but unfortunately pulled Cosmic and this led me to form my first T5cc
Only viable candidate in my Cosmic champs is Cull Obsidian but I hate playing with him, I R4 my 5* 2 years ago and each time I tried using him I hated him even more.
So I know if I R3 him I wil most probably will never use him.
So is it Worth becoming TB with first R3 sitting at bench ?
I am very close to farming Mystic T5cc, should I just wait and explore 7.1 and get Mystic T5cc instead and R3 my Dragon man ?

Only viable candidate in my Cosmic champs is Cull Obsidian but I hate playing with him, I R4 my 5* 2 years ago and each time I tried using him I hated him even more.
So I know if I R3 him I wil most probably will never use him.
So is it Worth becoming TB with first R3 sitting at bench ?
I am very close to farming Mystic T5cc, should I just wait and explore 7.1 and get Mystic T5cc instead and R3 my Dragon man ?

Then again, I'm an idiot.
Do it and earn the respect of us all
Over the past month and a half, I’ve formed a couple of T2a and T5b. Most of the dailies have been T4 shards, with a smattering of T5b shards.
The calendar 5% T5c is nice, but not game-changing. Glory for 5% T5c once a week is also nice, but you may get that if you hit TB mid-month. If you Sigil, you get a featured 6* discount. Otherwise, all you’re really missing is a few weeks of stuff you can get elsewhere.
This month’s selector looks like your answer.
Dr. Zola
The dailies are nice for sure but not even remotely close to worth wasting t5b and t2a let alone t5cc. It's just not that important honestly
I can’t speak to the rest of your roster, but with almost 2 t5cc, having done variant 6 and considering exploring 7.1 I’d say you’re in a position to do 7.1 and getting the last of your mystic.
Most of the paths are pretty doable for the average nearly-thronebreaker roster. There will likely be a few you’ll find hard, but in general I think you’ve got this!
On the other hand, if you absolutely can’t wait to do it. I’d recommend holding out until the end of the month to do it. The calendar has already updated so you won’t get the TB until April. With the caveat that you may think the glory store 5% t5cc costing 2700 is too expensive. If you think that’s worth it, then TB now might be the best choice.
There’s a lot going on in these situations, it’s never just as simple as yes go for that.