Immortal Abomination taking poison damage; bug or working as intended?

This is 6.2.5. Abomination causes 40% more poison damage this node. I know that the explanation will be that even though IA takes 100% less poison damage, with the node he will take 40% poison damage. But IA is supposed to effectively take no damage from poison. His kit relies on him getting stronger due to poison debuffs. So surely he should be taking no damage here, not 40%?
It’s the same with surfer when facing torch, 100% flat incinerate resistance, so torches smoulders make him take damage.
Personally I think (think does not = fact) this is a bug.. If the wording was “100% resistant” then I’d agree 100% leaves 40% of the damage but the wording is “takes 100% less damage from poison effects” it doesn’t state depending on how powerful the poison is..
For OR - reduces the damage of bleeds by 90%
For iAbom - Take 100% less damage from poison.
For iAbom, it could first apply the poison reduce the damage and then apply the node enhancement. Because Silver surfer also has the same description, and he also takes damage from enhanced nodes.
Someone from the Kabam team needs to clarify this.
And please get the descriptions less vague. With more and more complicated abilities, those become crucial.
The question really is whether it should happen this way. As I say, IA’s kit relies on him getting stronger the more poison debuffs he has on him. That’s not me taking a technical point such as Corvus, Maw etc not being villains when they are in the comics; IA is actually designed to work that way. So it doesn’t make sense that he would take damage from poison at all. For me, he shouldn’t take damage from poison debuffs at all and his description should simply state “does not take damage from poison debuffs”, not “takes 100% less damage”.