Our 7x5 Alliance is Disbanding. Needing a new home for quite a few strong players

We were a top 90 alliance that has been running 7x5 ranking around 60 overall for about a year. We have some experience with epic modes, but we were doing MEMEM most of the time. We have decided to disband due to a few key officers and players decided to take a break or retire. There are quite a few of us looking for another 7x5 alliance prob an easy P3 tier 4 AW. Our average prestige is prob around 11.9k give or take depending on how many spots are available.
we prefer discord over line, but it's not a deal breaker.
If you're interested message me on discord 18sae56#0763 or on line "calnu"
we prefer discord over line, but it's not a deal breaker.
If you're interested message me on discord 18sae56#0763 or on line "calnu"
lineID: sensei22_1