CW dashback/block bugged

Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★

Civil Warriors dashback and block mechanic is not working the same as other champions who have this mechanic.

If you start to charge the conversion (first dashback and block) but abort before is is complete, the following dashback & block will not trigger.

I have tested other champions with a similar mechanic (Falcon, Hood, Cull) who do not suffer from this. For these champions the ability will ALWAYS trigger when blocking after a dashback.

The YouTube video linked above shows me replicating the same moves with CW as I do with the other champions but not seeing his mechanic work as effectively.

I see two problems here. Firstly, often a double dashback then blocking does not work. This is visible in the linked YouTube video - if the start of your second dash has your thumb pressed slightly too long it begins to count as a block and the trigger timer is very briefly seen. As a result, holding block at the end of a second dash does nothing. Double dashbacks are often a requirement of the game particularly for some evading of specials and it is hard enough keeping CWs furies refreshed without having to consider an additional dashback to re-trigger.

The second problem is when you start to charge the conversion because the furies are expiring but have to abort mid charge because the opponent fires a special attack. (think along the lines of Doom with unblockable sp1). The next dashback and block does not initiate the trigger for the conversion.

I'll add to this mail all the operating system/version and spec details you always request shortly


  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    As per above post...

    Device and Version: 
    Samsung s10

    Device Operating System:
    Android v11

    Mobile Carrier:
    EE mobile (UK)

    Cellular or WiFi:
    This occurred on WiFi. I have not tested on cellular connection.

    Game Version Installed: 

    Game Mode: 
    Alliance war initially. Can be recreated in duel.

    Champions Affected: 
    Civil Warrior

    Active Boosts: 

    Description of the Issue: 
    If Civil Warrior has dashed back and blocked but aborted the block before buffs are converted his next dashback and block will not trigger the mechanic.
    Full description of the issue and video evidence provided in the previous post.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Edit: Game mode was not AW. First experienced in solo quest. Able to replicate in duel.
  • LemuranLemuran Member Posts: 8
    Ok I knew I couldn't be the only one. Happened in monthly event quest and variant 3. Playing on iphone 12 pro in US ios 14.4.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    Everything is bugged, not just CW.
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