Need An Alliance

Please Read All Below
Current Champions in main Team
Angela 5* r2
Sunspot 4* r4
Hyperion 4* r4
Wasp 4* r3
Iron Man (IW) 4* r3
Symbiotic Supreme 4* r3
(Plenty More)
Just finished Act 3 and have been focusing on just upgrading and unlocking champions to get the best synergies. I’m looking for an alliance that I would be a good fit for and not a liability or over qualified for. Username is LordCollectorD
Current Champions in main Team
Angela 5* r2
Sunspot 4* r4
Hyperion 4* r4
Wasp 4* r3
Iron Man (IW) 4* r3
Symbiotic Supreme 4* r3
(Plenty More)
Just finished Act 3 and have been focusing on just upgrading and unlocking champions to get the best synergies. I’m looking for an alliance that I would be a good fit for and not a liability or over qualified for. Username is LordCollectorD