CapIW Glance

OpxOpx Member Posts: 144
CapIW in the description has Glancing Hits cannot be Critical. But after the update, he can glance critical hits.I fought him whit Corvus and out of the 5 hit combo, CapIW Glancing all me hits. SP2 Glancing too. Before update I give all hits critical. Its bug or


  • KRoNX1KRoNX1 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    Its said glancing hits cant be critical , not crical hits cant be glanced . So Cap iw can glance it and that hit wont be critical.
  • OpxOpx Member Posts: 144
    Me bad. But before when i play againt capiw, he never glaced me attack. I allway go same path in aq. But now glace from 10 hits 8. 2 are not critical. Plus all Sp2 glace
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