Cav EQ 3.1 working as intended?

I am working my way through this month’s EQ and am on my fourth run of 3.1. I’ve noticed that I am not getting any noticeable damage increase from the poison to fury conversion. Seems like my normal damage without any fury bonus. Prior month’s I could hit ridiculous numbers from my champs. Been using fully maxed 5* champs - void, HT, and CapIW. I took a video, which I can’t post here, of my latest fight using void. The KO hit with 8 stacks of fury is only 17k which is what I would expect with having fear of the void active plus be in assassins range. I’ll fully explore the chapter without a problem, but seems to either not be working or I am missing something. Any thoughts? Anyone else notice this? Posting 2 screen shots from the video to show that the 30% weakness is not active either.

(He’s usually slow prior to FotV so I’m not surprised he does the EQ slower. I used Rulk + Terrax this round. So much faster as the poisons don’t need a parry to be shrugged off.)