How Divided the community seems to be lately...

Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
I guess its more of a realization than an "all of a sudden" thing, but the community lately feels very divided. Still have those spending the big bucks on the game even in light of major game breaking issues costing players heavily. So we have roughly 3 groups right now. The care free big spenders that nothing seems to effect them and they go about spending. The middle ground players that spend some if they feel its a good grab and then the low spenders/free to play group that experience all the bad things that turns them off of spending even a little ever regardless if they wouldn't have anyways. Yes Kabam is issuing a fix for some major recent issues but still a community divided in such a manner has no power over the developers. #Remember12.0 that was true unity of a community where the top dogs banded together to fight for all players not just themselves.


  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    Agreed. It's unfortunate that we can't even all agree on the current state of the game. Some are just flat-out denying it.
  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147

    Ad0ra's the best mod, that's all you need to know.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Can anyone name one bug that benefited the players that lasted more than 3 days? I want to believe Adora, I really do. But it's hard when we are told resources are coming and we get this October calendar, No new mini quests, same boring rewards. It's hard when you send in a support ticket about having to waste units because you are constantly mis-firing specials and face blocking on map 6 AQ. It's hard, when we're told everyone was complaining about defender kills, and people's feelings were hurt when no threads point to such information. It's hard when we are told that champions will be researched and data will be collected to see if further adjustments need to be made, yet DS still sits at the bottom of a list. It's hard when we are told the whole system needed to be changed to flat values and percentages won't work anymore yet, new champs have percentage base regen. It's just hard when we are told things are beta tested but so many common bugs are found in a matter of minutes in every new update. It's just so hard to believe we are listened to.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Why is there a need to "band together" in the first place?

    Some players are enjoying the game, some are not. Simple as that.

    Not everyone is going to hate the game / love the game at the same time.

    If by "divided" you mean "having different opinions", then yes, the players are "divided". In fact, base on your logic, the entire human race is also "divided".
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    It’s divided because that creator program thing has caused some to be bought out

    no one has been 'bought out' - they don't get free stuff, and while some people have been accepted into the program, they haven't gotten their hands on any content yet. Once they do, we will be telling the entire community what that is so that we're fully transparent in that regard. And we fully expect creators to still be critical of us when applicable.

    The division likely comes from different players having different passions, and encountering issues in different ways. There are a variety of things that we need to work on right now, and we've been making sure to update on that regularly. I think some are also feeling more optimistic than others surrounding that.

    Just because all players don't always agree, doesn't mean we don't value the feedback that we receive from a variety of different groups. It doesn't take a boycott or banding together to get our attention, which is why we've been working to provide more regular updates on both AW and some of the more recent technical issues. previously, our communication hasn't made that clear enough :( I think some of the complication here lies in the fact that players feel we could be working faster than we are. I've seen some say they think that a boycott or other such action would speed up our efforts to address things such as technical issues. This isn't true - the team is working on a hotfix as we speak and we hope to have more info for you all very soon, once there is more formal confirmation. We also have an AW map update going out this week that we're looking forward to getting feedback on.

    In the meantime though, I'm sorry that some of you are feeling disheartened. Please remember that just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean their opinion is invalidated. It also doesn't mean your opinion is invalidated, either, though! MCOC has a huge player base, so it's pretty natural that you won't always agree even on trending topics or concerns.

    There is a lot we're working to resolve, and appreciate everyone that has passionately pointed out where we need to improve.

    We can all agree there are many issues with the game post 15.0, and we all understand it takes a while to fix (some do anyway). What I don't understand is with all the bugs happening right now, why not do something positive to the community, make AQ free for the week, give out beta rewards during this trial and error part of AW, give out some boosts to help offset the specials problem, do something about pure skill, maybe give out champ specific rank down tickets for the broken visions and other power drain champs with along with a class specific rank down so when it's fixed we can go back to using them ?

    Honestly, amidst all the negative things happening in the game right now, I haven't seen any positive as a counter measure. It's all been the same old "fix in progress, will be soon", we've had flip flops on war now since the change, nodes that never materialized, bugs that create more bugs, and this whole time we have just been expected to deal with it using our own resources or means.

    Goodwill goes a long way here, showing some while we struggle with all these compounding issues would probably stop a lot of the complaining going on here. Wouldn't it be nice to have players happy for a day or two instead of always having the same complaints and mathematics showing the current flaws in the system ? It's really a huge let down and it really makes me wonder about certain things. Bugs that help us are instantly fixed, I know it's a cliche, but doing something for us would show we are appreciated.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    It’s divided because that creator program thing has caused some to be bought out

    no one has been 'bought out' - they don't get free stuff, and while some people have been accepted into the program, they haven't gotten their hands on any content yet. Once they do, we will be telling the entire community what that is so that we're fully transparent in that regard. And we fully expect creators to still be critical of us when applicable.

    The division likely comes from different players having different passions, and encountering issues in different ways. There are a variety of things that we need to work on right now, and we've been making sure to update on that regularly. I think some are also feeling more optimistic than others surrounding that.

    Just because all players don't always agree, doesn't mean we don't value the feedback that we receive from a variety of different groups. It doesn't take a boycott or banding together to get our attention, which is why we've been working to provide more regular updates on both AW and some of the more recent technical issues. previously, our communication hasn't made that clear enough :( I think some of the complication here lies in the fact that players feel we could be working faster than we are. I've seen some say they think that a boycott or other such action would speed up our efforts to address things such as technical issues. This isn't true - the team is working on a hotfix as we speak and we hope to have more info for you all very soon, once there is more formal confirmation. We also have an AW map update going out this week that we're looking forward to getting feedback on.

    In the meantime though, I'm sorry that some of you are feeling disheartened. Please remember that just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean their opinion is invalidated. It also doesn't mean your opinion is invalidated, either, though! MCOC has a huge player base, so it's pretty natural that you won't always agree even on trending topics or concerns.

    There is a lot we're working to resolve, and appreciate everyone that has passionately pointed out where we need to improve.

    Sorry, but I don't believe you. The very little that you share with the community is far outweighed by the actions and results. The actions and results speak for themselves and I am more likely to believe that than whatever spin you are attempting to put on it. Stop telling us you are fixing things and listening to the community. Start fixing things and showing us that you are listening.
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    You haven't listened to us about war @Ad0ra_ we told you how it was going to be a horror show but your still pushing diversity with no Defender kills, this makes it all about defender rating then. We've begged you to make Dexterity passive to stop all the bs again unavoidable damage champs you created like dorm an magik, you seem to think unavoidable damage is fun to us but it's not. Look at mephisto he is going to be a nightmare an can only be countered by 2 champs. Honestly I could go on so long about how you don't listen to us.
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    @adora you are the nicest mod but in all actuality that really hasn’t answered anything..we are still getting screwed left and right by your company and it seems never ending. Empty promises, no actions just deleting posts..ppl are losing their time, effort and hard earned money and when we bring it up we are patted on the head or ignored..that is unsatisfactory business practice. The customer service here is absolutely terrible, there is no transparency and there are so many lies told that are then “retconned” later that it has completely dissolved any trust we have for you guys at this point.
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    Are you saying this is the best you can do? Right now the active community is growing restless for change. That has to indicate that something isn't going smoothly here. I think that you telling us how great things are and that people aren't upset makes everyone dig their heels in worse.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★ im pretty certain the community is NOT divided. there's just different levels of players all playing the same game. We're all experiencing similar issues.
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    #girlbed lol
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,106 ★★★★★
    Can anyone name one bug that benefited the players that lasted more than 3 days? I want to believe Adora, I really do. But it's hard when we are told resources are coming and we get this October calendar, No new mini quests, same boring rewards. It's hard when you send in a support ticket about having to waste units because you are constantly mis-firing specials and face blocking on map 6 AQ. It's hard, when we're told everyone was complaining about defender kills, and people's feelings were hurt when no threads point to such information. It's hard when we are told that champions will be researched and data will be collected to see if further adjustments need to be made, yet DS still sits at the bottom of a list. It's hard when we are told the whole system needed to be changed to flat values and percentages won't work anymore yet, new champs have percentage base regen. It's just hard when we are told things are beta tested but so many common bugs are found in a matter of minutes in every new update. It's just so hard to believe we are listened to.

    How long was UC bugged in labyrinth?
    How long has recoil been broken on SP3?

    just 2 quick random ones off the top of my head
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    danielmath wrote: »

    How long was UC bugged in labyrinth?
    How long has recoil been broken on SP3?

    just 2 quick random ones off the top of my head

    Thanks for those, I cannot speak to the recoil as I don't run suicides often, but the UC bug came after 13.2 update I believe, and lasted 3-4 months.
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    Viper1987 wrote: »
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    It’s divided because that creator program thing has caused some to be bought out

    no one has been 'bought out' - they don't get free stuff, and while some people have been accepted into the program, they haven't gotten their hands on any content yet. Once they do, we will be telling the entire community what that is so that we're fully transparent in that regard. And we fully expect creators to still be critical of us when applicable.

    The division likely comes from different players having different passions, and encountering issues in different ways. There are a variety of things that we need to work on right now, and we've been making sure to update on that regularly. I think some are also feeling more optimistic than others surrounding that.

    Just because all players don't always agree, doesn't mean we don't value the feedback that we receive from a variety of different groups. It doesn't take a boycott or banding together to get our attention, which is why we've been working to provide more regular updates on both AW and some of the more recent technical issues. previously, our communication hasn't made that clear enough :( I think some of the complication here lies in the fact that players feel we could be working faster than we are. I've seen some say they think that a boycott or other such action would speed up our efforts to address things such as technical issues. This isn't true - the team is working on a hotfix as we speak and we hope to have more info for you all very soon, once there is more formal confirmation. We also have an AW map update going out this week that we're looking forward to getting feedback on.

    In the meantime though, I'm sorry that some of you are feeling disheartened. Please remember that just because someone disagrees with you, doesn't mean their opinion is invalidated. It also doesn't mean your opinion is invalidated, either, though! MCOC has a huge player base, so it's pretty natural that you won't always agree even on trending topics or concerns.

    There is a lot we're working to resolve, and appreciate everyone that has passionately pointed out where we need to improve.

    Adora, while you're commenting, I understand that things can't always be turned around instantly, but why have you all still not addressed Pure Skill yet? It's been 6 months! That turn around time for discussion and decision has been longer than reasonable and still no update on that situation. I'm usually on the optimistic side when it comes to this game because every now and then you show you do care to some extent. But it is hard to put faith in a company that ignores this big of an issue for so long? With the suicides update you granted everyone a compensation package including 5* shards. Pure Skill hasn't gotten attention. Why is this? Can you please give us a *reasonable* answer to this simple question?

    I knew this would go unanswered again just as it has in the past. You mistake my (and possibly our) demands for answers for anger @Kabam Miike @Ad0ra_ when all we want are answers. Why is it that you can answer a thread and 5 minutes later you’re nowhere to be seen? You can’t possibly expect us to believe you don’t see these questions. Asking a question doesn’t mean I’m angry. When days go by and there’s no response and I know you’re ignoring me, that’s when I get angry.
  • BoogsBoogs Member Posts: 17
    they are sucking everyone dry before they turn off the switch ....... ss the champs you luv and take away fond memories of the friendships made that will fade into the past , just like this game ....
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  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    I'm not sure what group I belong in, I use to spend then I stopped.....

    I think Kabam is doing a great job, this game is still very good regardless of the current bugs/issues floating around.

    I'd still like to see more in the way of compensation for those affected by the bugs, I think that is very fair.

    Some other things I'd like to see is Kabam formerly publicize the alignment of future content with the Marvel Cinematic Universe although it should be obvious that it is what it is. Marvel does a great job in letting us know whats coming etc etc etc. Some of us free players need longer to prepare for those events when compared to those who choose to spend.

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