Anddd...parry is gone again.

MorganMorgan Member Posts: 448
Why every single fix in updates leasts less than 4 days, then it goes all back to broken'ness? Im trying to understand why after 3 days of being extremely happy of the parry fix i'm now stuck with the same - if not worse- situation pre patch. What exactly is making this fluctuation? It's not the first time a fix acutally works then disappears in thin air, and as things are lately, i'm feeling absolutely discouraged.

Iphone 7, 12 gbs free space, memory ok, 20 mbit connection wireless.

I can't plug the cable to the phone guys, i have no clue how else not stutter every 3 seconds.


  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    After 5 hit combos it is easier to parry, dashing in opponent and shorter combos it is very very difficult. Thats why when people were saying "oh parry is better now with 15.1" I had no idea what game they were playing.

    Parry is much worse than pre-'fix' and tbh should have left it alone I am pretty sure most people got used to it. But you know the ever so opinionated whiners speak for the whole community.

    TLDR; the people that struggled with parry before were very unskilled players. Go try and fight with champs that require parry>heavy i.e. pheonix, AA, hype, etc. It is severly nerfed.

    Android 7.0 lg g6 btw.
  • ThatGuy214ThatGuy214 Member Posts: 311 ★★
    Yea this parry issue Max bane almost impossible to control
  • Average_PlayerAverage_Player Member Posts: 80
    Parry is a lot easier more consistent now. When I play without even looking at the screen, I can parry pretty consistently.. Before I couldn't.
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    I've found parry to be inconsistent. I've played for over 2 years. something is amiss
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    let me clarify, I have fights that are 58-0 and I'm not taking damage then the next fight in this case YJ I could not parry or even block at times. The next was a sym and it wasn't much better with actions happening that i didn't hit the screw to cause
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    I've played since the beginning. Parry was great until 12.0. since then parry has been screwed up for about 6 months. After this last update, parry seems to be fixed. At least more than it was post 12.0. Feels more consistent and I'm able to parry a lot more.
    After 5 hit combos it is easier to parry, dashing in opponent and shorter combos it is very very difficult. Thats why when people were saying "oh parry is better now with 15.1" I had no idea what game they were playing.

    Parry is much worse than pre-'fix' and tbh should have left it alone I am pretty sure most people got used to it. But you know the ever so opinionated whiners speak for the whole community.

    TLDR; the people that struggled with parry before were very unskilled players. Go try and fight with champs that require parry>heavy i.e. pheonix, AA, hype, etc. It is severly nerfed.

    Android 7.0 lg g6 btw.

    Well, just call me an opinionated whiner and an unskilled player then.
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