Anddd...parry is gone again.

Why every single fix in updates leasts less than 4 days, then it goes all back to broken'ness? Im trying to understand why after 3 days of being extremely happy of the parry fix i'm now stuck with the same - if not worse- situation pre patch. What exactly is making this fluctuation? It's not the first time a fix acutally works then disappears in thin air, and as things are lately, i'm feeling absolutely discouraged.
Iphone 7, 12 gbs free space, memory ok, 20 mbit connection wireless.
I can't plug the cable to the phone guys, i have no clue how else not stutter every 3 seconds.
Iphone 7, 12 gbs free space, memory ok, 20 mbit connection wireless.
I can't plug the cable to the phone guys, i have no clue how else not stutter every 3 seconds.
Parry is much worse than pre-'fix' and tbh should have left it alone I am pretty sure most people got used to it. But you know the ever so opinionated whiners speak for the whole community.
TLDR; the people that struggled with parry before were very unskilled players. Go try and fight with champs that require parry>heavy i.e. pheonix, AA, hype, etc. It is severly nerfed.
Android 7.0 lg g6 btw.
Well, just call me an opinionated whiner and an unskilled player then.