ramp up aegon on thing (ur gonna have to spend some revives), take OR with aegon as well, take quake with aegon or nick up to u but probably aegon if he's not fully ramped up yet, take medusa with sym supreme, take mephisto with HT, take cmm with sym supreme, take ghost with aegon or nf, take imiw with aegon, take fixit with aegon, take mordo with anyone u want, take vtd with sym supreme, take htd with aegon, take hype with sym supreme, take slatterus with sym supreme, take cyclops with anyone u want, take loki with anyone u want, take aegon with aegon, take iw with aegon or nick, take cull with anyone u want, and fight the collector with the rest of ur units. Full disclosure, I personally have not yet completed the abyss but I've watched a fair amount of videos and observed several abyss strategies to kind of know what to do. Anyways, good luck.
ramp up aegon on thing (ur gonna have to spend some revives), take OR with aegon as well, take quake with aegon or nick up to u but probably aegon if he's not fully ramped up yet, take medusa with sym supreme, take mephisto with HT, take cmm with sym supreme, take ghost with aegon or nf, take imiw with aegon, take fixit with aegon, take mordo with anyone u want, take vtd with sym supreme, take htd with aegon, take hype with sym supreme, take slatterus with sym supreme, take cyclops with anyone u want, take loki with anyone u want, take aegon with aegon, take iw with aegon or nick, take cull with anyone u want, and fight the collector with the rest of ur units. Full disclosure, I personally have not yet completed the abyss but I've watched a fair amount of videos and observed several abyss strategies to kind of know what to do. Anyways, good luck.
U are welcome