Seeking casual alliance for glory.

Looking for an alliance that doesn’t require line and is casual for an intermediate/beginner. I have several maxed 4* heroes and a few 5*s at rank 2. I work 6 days a week so I can only do a couple hours a day except Sunday when I grind arena all day. I would like to be able to finish an aq or aw without spending money. If I’m a match for your alliance let me know how to contact you. I’m tired of being the low man on the totem pole in my current alliance.
I can run map 5x5, but don’t want game to be like a 2nd job. So the more casual the better
@Jedi_Hawke if you want to join us we need someone for map 4 and aw is optional.we do maps 5,4,4 if you would like to join add: KHapPy