Spectral soul not working on Mephisto part 2

StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
So I already asked about this and kabam vydius responded and said that the boost won't reverse his regen because Mephisto is immune to damage during that time.
Cool I understand that. But he also said that the boost still acts as a heal block to prevent him from regenerating which is not the case.
I can clearly see him regenerating A LOT when his regen kicks in.
Since this boost is active for 15m shouldn't it heal block him throughout the entire fight completelt during those 15 minutes or is there another catch I'm missing that's making this boost useless.
You can even watch Seatin fighting him with that boost on and he still regened on him.
I was going to ask kabam vydious specifically but don't see any option to contact a mod so I made a new post.
Any clarification on this?


  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    My guess is that Kabam screwed up.

    Heal reversal is probably coded in such a way that it doubles the magnitude of the healing, and then apply it in reverse. So in normal circumstances, the end product is a degeneration of the same amount, but what the programme actually does is that the character still regens x amount, but it gets cancelled by -2x worth of degeneration.

    Apply the same code (because Kabam is too lazy to recode it) on Mephisto, and you will end up with him regenerating Y amount, and a -2Y worth of regeneration damage is applied on him. Of course, the geniuses also made him immune to damage at this point, so the -2Y of regen has no effect, while the Y amount of regen continues.

    Which leads me to my next question to Kabam: what exactly is the Spectre Soulf Boost for in the event then, if not to counter Mephisto?

    Working as intended?
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Yea I tested it myself, the spectre boost is like placing the Spectre node on the opponent, where it switches on and off forever.

    Perhaps you were unlucky and you triggered Mephisto's regen while it was off. This would also explain the few scenarios where people said some souls didn't heal him and some souls did, since it probably switched on or off while he was consuming them.

    So yep, it isn't a bug
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    AxeCopFire wrote: »

    So why doesn't it state that in the boost's description???
    How the hell am I supposed to know it's not active all the time???
    I swear whoever designed this game might be just out of preschool!
    Not only the game is broken beyond repair it seems you can't even design it properly!
    This is the most incompetent company in the history of business!
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,443 ★★★★★
    This is Kabam we are talking about. The gloss is always a far cry from the reality, and this “boost” is no exception. The good thing is we didn’t get charged $$ for it.

    Dr. Zola
  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175
    edited October 2017
    Then this thread will be locked with same answer and same link from mod...

  • username7312username7312 Member Posts: 67
    The Soul Spectre boost is useless if you can't use it during the whole fight. Why is it even an option? All the other boosts stay active 100% of the time. Kabam needs to fix this boost or add a boost that protects against incinerate!
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    You could just time it better. Boom done.. finished masters no potions used didn't even use the heal boost mephisto wasn't that hard

    R5 starlord was my.go to

    Well I finished master 100%. 2 revives until I figured the **** out.
    I softened him up with R5 Hulk and finished him up with R5 Quake.
    Used the fierce boost mostly.
    Could probably just do it with Quake but I had a full team so I figured what the hell :/
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  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    yeah there's a timer, and it's a **** one pulled by kabam. Basically most of the boost is useless unless on the specific fights vs bosses in the quest, and doesn't even work half of times. Adds a lil bit of challenge as before going in for dmg you might want to let the boost kick in, but alas IF WE HAD %hp showing up it'd be better.

    Speaking of which, the life steal of the >75% hp doesn't work aswell.

    The fierce boost you mean. And it works perfectly. In fact I felt stupid not using any of these event boosts before. Now I have over 50 of them just lying around. That fierce boost with a R4 5* Magik made master a breeze.
  • Wubbie075Wubbie075 Member Posts: 763 ★★★
    Fierce doesn't work on Mephisto to cause he blocks buffs at the start of the fight. By the time buffs kick in I'm below 75%. On the other hand, with these boosts this'll be my first time 100% Master level.

    I'm still beating Memphis to without the fierce boost, but it's taking more resources than I'd like (about 300 units per fight). And with the crappy new arena crystals it's much harder to replenish my units than it used to be.
  • StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    Wubbie075 wrote: »
    Fierce doesn't work on Mephisto to cause he blocks buffs at the start of the fight. By the time buffs kick in I'm below 75%. On the other hand, with these boosts this'll be my first time 100% Master level.

    I'm still beating Memphis to without the fierce boost, but it's taking more resources than I'd like (about 300 units per fight). And with the crappy new arena crystals it's much harder to replenish my units than it used to be.

    Just checked and fierce does work on Mephisto. I tested now on heroic cause I do completion and it works fine.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Someone else already mentioned it, but I wanted to confirm for everyone that the Spectre Soul Boost does have an icon and timer indicating when it is active and when it is on cooldown. If you get Mephisto below 30% health while to boost is active, it will prevent him from Regenerating health from his Soul Charges. Though as OP mentioned, he doesn't take damage while consuming Soul Charges, so his healing will be blocked, but not reversed.
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