Sorc Supreme in the boss rush needs to be nerfed

I am and uncollected player with a decent 5 star and 4 star roster and i was excited to do the boss rush this year and after watching videos on it i realized my maxed 4 star AA could take everyone but sorc supreme, immediately i began to look if i had her counters but i don´t, on top of that she is stun immune has increased regen on of hers already and nullify buffs to deal damage keep in mind i dont have units to spend on revives so i end up having to refight elsa over and over to get a shot a sorc just to be swept and basically deal no damage bc of regen, i believe that all the fights are pretty fair except this one and I am not alone in my thinking. I have asked a bunch of other players around my skill level and with similar rosters and they agree that she is way too powerful compared to the others unless you have her counter which there are very few leaving you feeling cheated out of something you know u could if she wasnt so stacked. My suggestion would be too A. Remove the regen entirely and leave her base regen or B. remove the node which makes buffs get nullified and cause you too take damage. I really want too complete this but i know that as long as the sorc supreme is stacked like that i wont and several other players like me as well.
Also the On Demand Power Drain on the Sp1 if she get's too close to an Sp3 somehow.
Sp2 spam should be your focus though to keep the Infection up and apply the Armor Breaks for Increased Damage.