why don't you just go into the quest and see? the bosses aren't too bad, but void is always an annoying fight, and you're going to want to be prepared to fight Mangog and know how his hatred works
I already did cavalier/UC for this month. If I enter the quest the Legend Run timer begins lol. Im trying to go for legends so I just want to know if the nodes are different for lower difficulty's..
I already did cavalier/UC for this month. If I enter the quest the Legend Run timer begins lol. Im trying to go for legends so I just want to know if the nodes are different for lower difficulty's..
the nodes in heroic/master are just the same as cav/uc but some are taken out. use mags for jane, mags for thrags, void for gr, aa for void, nullifier for mangog, and nullifier for odin
Im gonna be using Corvus lol, I was just wondering if there is like a protection node
i don't believe there's a protection node on any of the bosses, but i know that there's one on one of the paths in cav, not sure if it's also in master/heroic
Thx for the help, Corvus boosted/full suicdes should do fine I guess.
he should be completely fine. just watch for mangog's unstoppable, and you're also going to have class disadvantage on 3/6 bosses. maybe take an aa if you need
Thx for the help, Corvus boosted/full suicdes should do fine I guess.
he should be completely fine. just watch for mangog's unstoppable, and you're also going to have class disadvantage on 3/6 bosses. maybe take an aa if you need
The class disadvantage will not make a lot of difference if he is using 5/65 or 6* 3/45 Corvus fully boosted in Master and Heroic.