Underwhelming Valhalla Daily Quest Rewards

So every day we’ve been seeing the Valhalla Victories quest rewarding wins in fights with bonus points for light, medium, heavy, and special attacks giving us extra points depending on the day. Am I alone in finding the rewards for this to be next to nothing. At most you get x100 4 star shards, x150 5 star shards, 10 units, and a variety of lower level catalysts. I get it’s meant to be built up over time but even this would take forever to actually be worth it.
300 units
3000 4* shards
30 4* sig stones
3 t3b cats
4800 t1a frags
4500 5* shards
31500 t4b frags
30 5* sig stones
450 k gold
All of this is totally free and are easily attainable without any extra effort. Are they the best rewards, NO, but they are free! The other rewards this month are awesome, so there is nothing wrong with this IMO.