Rank up advice

Account going on 4 months. Have 100% up to Act 5. Pushing to Act 6 and got hung up at CB’s poison and now stuck. Only true poison immune 5* plus is Hulk. Been saving to R4 Doom. But should I hold to R4 EF or BWCV to try and get pass CB? Would they be enough? Only 4 mystic t4cc so it will be a while before I can r4 Doom if I do BWCV to R3 right now and then a while before I can R4 her unless the rng gods bless me.
Rank up advice 10 votes
Guilly or some other ramp up champ is your best option if you chose to remove bane. Otherwise, any other poison immune with good damage works. Don't use BWCV, there's no immunities to exploit. Otherwise, wait for a better champ. There's lots of 5* crystals and shards this month