why are incursions way worse now?

So I don't understand what the progress idea for incisions was? Incursions were already difficult and time consuming so to try to make them better you decided to ramp up the difficulty and make the buffs useless now? this partofthe game is now ruined and is useless in my opinion. I'd be surprised if im not in the majority of thinking on this issue.
In fact they are useless now and they better get removed at all, if they are to stay at they current state.
40% chance to incinerate on last medium, instead of both mediums, is 50% hack efficiency reduction.
30% chance to shock on last light, instead of all four lights, is 75% hack efficiency reduction.
Also, most of the new good hacks rely on parry/heavy playstyle, meaning taking a lot of block damage, especially at later rooms.
New released champs have been added that increase difficulty also, as they are overall better defenders than old champs (Apocalypse, ProfX etc.).
Only positive addition was that hacks now last for 4 zones, instead of 3.
Will do a monthly run for sec 7 and 8 for the rooms rewards that get reset.
sadly its to champ specific now
Even tho I have Spider-Ham and can Synergize together Mr.Fantastic and She-Hulk
People: The boss rush is wayyyy to easy make something hard kabam!
People right now: Why is the incursions update so hard! Its so useless so make it easier!
I predict that another piece of easy content will come out and people will follow this cycle all over again.
Literally it was already the hardest content by far, considering we are talking for sector 8 and from zone 10 and beyond.
This update added a lot of difficulty, by nerfing powerful hacks and adding new better defenders, making incursions more tedious to play than they used too,at least in my opinion.
So, even if there can still be interesting synergies of hacks, you are less likely to be able to 'draw' the hacks that would make the synergy work.
Its kind of like deck-building games - whereas in the past, even if your champions don't incinerate, the chances of pulling the Pyrokinetic hack is not uncommon over the course of 3-4 rounds. Now, since there are more hacks, you might not see that hack in those 3-4 rounds.
What's with the endless power sting hacks? I only got the perfect match of power sting once when I got a hack that applied them with dot. I've never seen that hack again
With increase in hacks, it becomes harder to get the one you want so he number of rare hacks should be increased to 4. I went 7 zones today before I got buff cornucopia. Just endless cycles of the power sting hacks and unstoppable whatever that very few champions benefit from. If there is a hack that gives a chance to go unstoppable on heavies or heavy counter, that would actually be good