Need G2 ally or above...For upcoming season

Hi, I am Real Madrid. I am a friendly guy who can enter a g2 ally to do hard work and i can also prefer to enter a higher tier ally. Please send me alliance invitation in-game to this ID
Name-Real Madrid 76~2
Top champions-5 star rank 4 spider gwen, 6 star rank 1 omega red, and 4 star maxed out silver surfer and havok
Profile pic-Stryfe
Please read these details in-game to find me
Thank you.
Name-Real Madrid 76~2
Top champions-5 star rank 4 spider gwen, 6 star rank 1 omega red, and 4 star maxed out silver surfer and havok
Profile pic-Stryfe
Please read these details in-game to find me
Thank you.
From what you write, with one 5r4 as yor top champion, you are not ready for Gold-level AW. Sorry to be the one to tell you. I would strongly suggest to work your way up from there. Take your time, focus on progressing through story content, grow your roster. Account progression is not a sprint, although it may feel like it at times, but more of a marathon. You will be ready for Gold AW in due time, but from what you write, that time is not yet there.
All the best,