Instead of mocking players who pay for this game you should thank them (Kabam should, too).

raffsterraffster Member Posts: 1,071 ★★★
edited October 2017 in General Discussion
I don't understand why there are still those [removed by moderation] who mock those spend money on MCOC. Why can't these players just accept that without paying customers MCOC would have never even made a year? I find it the height of hypocrisy and nonsense. Sure, this is supposed to be a game that's "free to play" and paying is indeed an option. But when will reality bite those who continue to believe that a business can live on charity, and that they don't have to sell anything to make a profit?

I'm appalled by how some of these players respond to paying players. If anything, Kabam should actually be slightly biased towards paying customers and offer extra rewards not available to those who just play for free.
Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on


  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    raffster wrote: »
    I don't understand why there are still those [removed by moderation] who mock those spend money on MCOC. Why can't these players just accept that without paying customers MCOC would have never even made a year? I find it the height of hypocrisy and nonsense. Sure, this is supposed to be a game that's "free to play" and paying is indeed an option. But when will reality bite those who continue to believe that a business can live on charity, and that they don't have to sell anything to make a profit?

    I'm appalled by how some of these players respond to paying players. If anything, Kabam should actually be slightly biased towards paying customers and offer extra rewards not available to those who just play for free.

    I was a paying player but I won't spend anymore until there are "real fixes" to the game, but yeah I always felt when spending money something a little extra should come with what ever it is you are buying
    Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
  • TimrosTimros Member Posts: 267
    To each their own I say. I've spent 10 bucks awhile back on a decent deal. Will I again? Possibly if the deal was good, but for most of what I've seen, it's all overpriced. Seems like kabam has slowly been tweaking the game to where the player may feel the need to have to spend to progress.
    Just like the real world economy, if people refuse to buy, prices will drop.
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    I used to happily spend till they lost the ability to run a successful working game
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    TrackerX55 wrote: »
    Kabam already does that, rest assured that there are triggers built into the game that increase drop rate % based on the amount of money you put in their pockets.

    I'd love to see your evidence to that.
  • Username819273943Username819273943 Member Posts: 97
    U actually are awarded with those shiny things you buy....
    If I go to a supermarket and buy chips and while paying it's hiliarious to say that hey you should give me tissues because I buyed chips from you
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    TrackerX55 wrote: »
    Kabam already does that, rest assured that there are triggers built into the game that increase drop rate % based on the amount of money you put in their pockets.

    If that was true, I'd be much better off in game than I am.

    I'm by no means a whale, but easily spent high 4 figures on this game over 3 years... I still have TERRIBLE luck when it comes to drops of any kind. All my good champs have been arena grinds, and I have NEVER in 3 years pulled a full T4C from an AQ crystal.

  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    Who are the ones mocking paying players, other than Seatin?

    Only Seatin was going around calling them milked whales. So far the forums doesn't seem hostile to paying players whatsoever.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    So you're saying f2p players don't matter?.....
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,838 ★★★★★
    Enjoy spending on your bugged content.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    TrackerX55 wrote: »
    Kabam already does that, rest assured that there are triggers built into the game that increase drop rate % based on the amount of money you put in their pockets.

    MMXIV just went like 0/25 for Mephisto
  • BCdiscmanBCdiscman Member Posts: 348
    I'd rather sit through ads in between fights then have to pay thousands of dollars just to be able to compete with the whales that play the game and then mock those that don't spend and can't keep up because they don't spend.
  • OnethunderOneOnethunderOne Member Posts: 2
    I only purchased the $0.99 offer when you first join the game and that's probably why I only get 2* from PHC'S
  • Sith_slayerSith_slayer Member Posts: 100
    @Timros couldn’t agree more
  • BinawayawhileBinawayawhile Member Posts: 288
    I would like to formerly thank those who have and those who continue to pay for digital items in Kabams MCOC mobile game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    I would have worded it differently, but I agree with the sentiment of not judging people for their choice to spend. If people aren't happy, or choose not to spend for other reasons, that's fine. It's enirely up to them. However, shaming other people and pressuring them to stop spending is not appropriate. If people choose to spend, that's entirely their choice.
  • PeterStreitPeterStreit Member Posts: 47
    Most people do appreciate the big spenders on this game. Those who don't fail to understand what's going on. I don't think alienating free to play players by giving more to spenders than they bought is the way to go and basically creating a large separation between them would reduce the number of free players. This game is what it is because there are a lot of players. I would feel a bit lonely playing anymore if the numbers got low but maybe that's just me.
  • SvainSvain Member Posts: 453 ★★
    I don't mind the spenders at all, but it's frustrating when people continue to spend when there are game breaking bugs in the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    It's not going to resolve issues any faster if people stop spending.
  • RoonKhanRoonKhan Member Posts: 40
    i am a paying player , but what i felt is % of getting good rewards decreases while you start paying. If you have money and spend on the game it will make sure that you spend more to get what you need . so spending makes difficult for the average spender. Yeah if you have free money you can buy anything!!!1
  • nelly22nelly22 Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2017
    It's not going to resolve issues any faster if people stop spending.
    I disagree with that statement. I'm assuming you were around for the great 12.0 boycott. I bet kabam had no intention of giving out compensation until the big dawgs stopped spending money. But if you spend money on broken content please don't complain.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    You're free to disagree. It takes as long as it takes to resolve issues. The amount of work it takes to fix something is the same whether people spend or not.
  • nelly22nelly22 Member Posts: 65
    It's motivation homie. To be honest, if they are still making money, money, money, moooonnneyy, they have no motivation or priority to fix the game.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,949 ★★★★★
    That's not how it works. They do their best, whether people believe it or not. If no one spends, there is no game.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
    edited October 2017
    raffster wrote: »
    I don't understand why there are still those [removed by moderation] who mock those spend money on MCOC. Why can't these players just accept that without paying customers MCOC would have never even made a year? I find it the height of hypocrisy and nonsense. Sure, this is supposed to be a game that's "free to play" and paying is indeed an option. But when will reality bite those who continue to believe that a business can live on charity, and that they don't have to sell anything to make a profit?

    I'm appalled by how some of these players respond to paying players. If anything, Kabam should actually be slightly biased towards paying customers and offer extra rewards not available to those who just play for free.

    The paying players get to have advantages like having more items to use in AQ and AW. There is no need for them to get "extra rewards" -- not counting specials that run from time to time that people whine about. In some games though, additional limited-time only content, not rewards, is available for those who spent money. But the majority of games are like MCOC -- there are no extra rewards or extra content for spenders.

    Are you going say that those who spent money on cars should get something extra? After all, walking to work or store or theater is free too. So shouldn't those who spent the big bucks on cars get something extra?

    And have you heard of the word "mooch"? How about cheapskates?

    I know someone who used to work as an assistance manager at Papa Johns and before that he was a bartender. He's now a desk jockey working as a geologist. He criticized a coworker who was going on a cruise sometime ago. That co-worker makes less money than the former bartender does by a considerable margin. The former bartender said he would never tip the workers on the cruise. That's a former bartender who received a big portion of his income from tips telling someone that he would never tip himself.

    As a gamer, that former bartender plays MCOC, Star War Trading Game, Dragon Soul, and a bunch of others. I know this because he plays them at work so as you can see, he's "very busy" at work. Naturally, he whines about the connection and places the blame always on the developer, not the provider giving him free WiFi.

    He's been playing these games for years and years. Total spent on all those games combined -- 0 dollars. He typically doesn't play games that has advertisements. He plays games that are financed by other people.

    That's how MCOC community is like. They are a collection of carbon copies of the former bartender.

    Imagine you are going to a buffet with a group of friends. One of the members of this group is a "free to eat" buddy. Who is going to pay for his bill when the fun is over? And by the end of the day, this "free to eat" buddy would be first in line to criticize welfare, the free medical service of other nations such as Canada, Britain, etc.
    Post edited by TenebrousTenebrific on
  • Rōnin_Èlan_11Rōnin_Èlan_11 Member Posts: 12
    The CEO even admitted that they cater to VIPs in China, where the culture is pay to play.

    “We had to redesign the game so that it catered to the VIPs,” Wakeford said. “In Western markets, the game is more balanced. People can either pay or invest their time and achieve the same things. In China, we redesigned the game to cater to the VIPs. The reward they get with the unlocks are very important for the gameplay.”
  • TenebrousTenebrificTenebrousTenebrific Administrator, Moderator Posts: 461
    This thread is not constructive to the discussion of the game itself. For that reason, it is now closed.

    @TrackerX55 - We've said this multiple times, the choice to spend in the game - or not - does NOT affect what is opened in crystals. Crystals don't look at your account history.

    @Rōnin_Èlan_11 - That is an old article about a different game (Man Wei Ge Dou). It's not applicable to MCOC.
This discussion has been closed.