Damaging debuffs not generating power on PolkaDot Power nodes

AdamBrewAdamBrew Member Posts: 36
edited March 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
Here’s a fight from 7.1.4 against Mordo on the Polka Dot Power path (other nodes are Bleed Immunity, Poison Vulnerability, and Highly Flammable)

As you can see, incinerates are applied, but no power is gained.

I tested this with Sunspot’s incinerates, as well as Archangel’s poisons, and Black Widow Claire Voyant’s poisons and incinerates - and with all of them, no power is gained, no matter what damaging debuffs are applied.

It’s not just Mordo either. It also happens with the Moon Knight after him. I’ve not progressed on this path further as I didn’t want to slog through these fights if I can’t gain any power.

Is there a workaround?


  • AdamBrewAdamBrew Member Posts: 36
    After some more testing, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.

    I’ve no clue as to why... but I had a run where everything was working so... I guess I only lost a little energy - no sweat.
  • EdeuinkEdeuink Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    Probably because of the persistent charge issues in the game, you can see in the gif that torch is missing his charge.
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