Given I don’t run suicides, who should I r5?

DankeaceDankeace Posts: 40
edited March 2021 in Strategy and Tips

Given I don’t run suicides, who should I r5? 52 votes

Omega Red (Sig 200)
JyotishkaAdvThedancingkidEtjamaSuperranTheBair123ScrubhanWill3808Real_Madrid_76_2Scarcity27Xanatos 11 votes
Corvus (Sig 81)
AspenKade7175UnidentifiedCreatureSuss_WizzardParam1988Crasyduckbruhmomento69Light7WooptyfrickendooDreanicajimothyvondoom_98 11 votes
G2099 (Sig 40)
MSRDLDNumanAmazing_Demon05Kill_GreySwishBabyTrashPanda12AGYAAT[Deleted User] 8 votes
Warlock (Unawakened)
Rbk19DRTOMoosetiptronicReaper2823Colinwhitworth69AnthinhoGHOST_AISarvanga1_BerjibsJ0eySn0wRenaxqqPrakhar_82Xguard77EtherealityGr8TonyStarkCrcrcrcCeltic1981BlôdletterZura_1FlyGalaxyBomb 22 votes


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Omega Red (Sig 200)
    Honestly they're all so good. Who do you like using more?
  • EtjamaEtjama Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    edited March 2021
    Omega Red (Sig 200)
    Or Warlock
  • Sarvanga1_Sarvanga1_ Posts: 4,150 ★★★★★
    Warlock (Unawakened)
    I have omega,corvus and warlock all of them at r5. I don't run suicides and when I play with omega and Corvus I feel the need of having suicides. With Corvus I can get around this but with omega it just doesn't feel great. With warlock it just doesn't matter if you have suicides or not.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Posts: 1,523 ★★★★
    Warlock (Unawakened)
    They’re all worth r5 so just depends what utility you need/use the most.

    Without suicides g99 prob needs it least. The others all require r5 for damage in act 6/7 imo.
  • Will3808Will3808 Posts: 3,725 ★★★★★
    Omega Red (Sig 200)
    Personally I like using omega red best even without suicides. It all depends on which play style you like best because they’re all so good.
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Posts: 2,653 ★★★★★
    Guilty is underrated. Warlock is appropriately rated
  • UnidentifiedCreatureUnidentifiedCreature Posts: 589 ★★★
    Corvus (Sig 81)
    Not even one of them is slightly worse than the other. They're all just as good and have a ton of utility as well as fantastic damage. So, yeah, go for the champion that you think you need the most and will benifit your account the most. The only reason I voted for Corvus is because, honestly, I'm just biased and want my homie Curvus to have as many votes as possible.
  • WooptyfrickendooWooptyfrickendoo Posts: 184
    edited March 2021
    Corvus (Sig 81)
    Kill_Grey said:

    Totally not biased.

    Corvus also totally not biased
  • Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Posts: 713 ★★★
    Warlock (Unawakened)
    Given it's your one of the first few rank fives, warlock will help you more both in long term and short term content. G2099 will start to shine in a bit longer piece of content.
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