Write a review of a bad champion in a way that makes them appear really good, or even god tier.

If you dont undertand how to do it, heres an example- 'Karnak has gauranteed crits on pretty much every one of his hits, he can reduce the duration of debuffs with his sig ability, he has a very accessible true strike on his sp1, which allows his guaranteed critical hits to ignore auto block, evade, as well as armour and resistances, making them hit even harder, and his sp3 reduces the opponent's defensive ability accuracy by 80% for 40 seconds. And as if that wasn't enough, he also eradicates class disadvantage in a fight over time.'
BTW, you can even do it the other way around, that is, make a good champion look like trash.
BTW, you can even do it the other way around, that is, make a good champion look like trash.
•Kills himself
•Meh utility
•Affected by aar
To begin with, it’s worth noting that all of his basic attacks deal energy damage, not physical damage. This makes him a strong counter to certain characters such as Korg, since you won’t take any thorns damage when attacking him. There are also some drawbacks to this though, as it makes Ultron much harder to deal with since he will be able to absorb energy from every attack and heal from each hit. Another thing to mention is that he doesn’t gain power from being hit or hitting the opponent like other characters would, instead, he steadily gains power passively. Over 9 seconds he gains 33% power total, it would take 27 seconds to reach SP3 without any other forms of power gain.
Strange has 3 different blessings and each one gives him a different SP2 effect as well as 2 different bonuses per blessing. These are:
* Oshtur’s refuge: Increased armour and block proficiency for 9 seconds
* Agamatto’s Insight: Increased attack and critical hit rate for 9 seconds
* Hoggoth’s Wisdom: X% power gain and Y life steal for 9 seconds. Both of these occur when your attacks make contact with the opponent, this includes special attacks but will not work through blocking enemies. If you look closely, you'll notice that do gain a little bit of power when striking the opponent during this phase, in addition to to his regular power gain over time. It's not as much as other champions, but it may still be helpful if you can land enough hits.
# Special attacks
SP1- This attack can deal up to 100% extra damage and gain up to 100% power as well. This will vary and likely have different amounts each time you use it, it shouldn't be too difficult to keep chaining SP1 over and over though.
SP2- This is one of the main ones for Dr Strange. It can do 3 different things which is decided by the blessing that is active on him at the time of each hit (there are 3 hits which means that it is possible to time this attack to benefit from two different blessings and combine the effects. To do that, you'll want to use a SP2 just before you switch to the next phase).
* Oshtur’s Refuge: 50% chance to inflict weakness on each hit, decreasing the opponent’s attack by 15% per stack. These debuffs last for 10 seconds.
* Agamatto’s Insight: 50% chance to inflict armour break on each hit, reducing armour by X for 10 seconds. Particularly useful for armour up champions and those that suffer greatly from armour break. For example, it would shut down Killmonger’s reverberation or Emma Frost’s diamond form. As a 5/50 4\* X=857.14
* Hoggoth’s Wisdom: 50% chance to nullify one buff on each hit, up to a total of 3 buffs for the full attack
SP3- This attack will fate seal the opponent for 5 seconds, removing all active buffs and preventing more from triggering for the duration of fate seal.
# Signature Ability (Counterspell)
Counterspell is a very useful signature ability which can be incredibly strong in matchups where the opponent frequently gets buffs or relies on buffs to trigger other abilities. It will automatically nullify them soon after they appear without having to trigger it manually. At max signature level, the effectiveness of counterspell is 80% which makes it very difficult for the opponent to gain buffs. If they do manage to keep one, you can manually nullify that with SP2 during Hoggoth’s Wisdom or you can use the fate seal ability that is tied to SP3. In my opinion, this signature ability is a very important part of his kit and worthy of a class awakening gem, especially as a 5\* since he isn’t readily available in crystals.
# Masteries and synergies:
Doctor Strange benefits greatly from the mystic dispersion mastery. Each time a buff is nullified or it expires naturally, you will gain a burst of power which helps to overcome his slower power gain rate. This means that special attacks will be usable much more frequently and you may even find yourself chaining them together. In some matchups, you’ll be able to use SP2 or SP3 in a loop without interruption making the fight very easy. I personally have 5 points in this mastery and I don’t intend to move any of those. 3 points or more would certainly be enough for Doctor Strange though, 5 is just my personal preference,
My favourite synergy for Doctor Strange is Mephisto. This allows him to gain 70% more health on each hit when attacking the opponent during Hoggoth’s Wisdom. As a result, his overall healing ability is a lot stronger and can be very helpful in longer fights and quests, whilst this synergy is not essential, it’s certainly a nice boost if you can take advantage of it. Mephisto is also quite a useful character as well and can be good to have on your team.
# Strong matchups:
* Medusa (shuts down her fury/autoblock)
* Korg (Energy attacks protect him from rock shield damage)
* Killmonger (Armour break can shut down reverberation)
* Hyperion (Lots of nullify options to deal with his power gain buffs, so much so that it becomes a normal fight)
* Mordo (Same as hyperion, mordo usually holds block when his power gain activates, but counterspell will remove the power gain automatically so that you don't need to worry about his SP3)
* The Champion (Can nullify all of his fury/unstoppable buffs without even touching him)
* Juggernaut (Can nullify unstoppable)
* Unstoppable Colossus (Same as juggernaut, but also has armour break and nullify to remove his armour up buffs)
* Cable (Nullifies his power gain and regeneration buffs)
* Venom (Lots of buffs to nullify, really fun matchup with mystic dispersion)
* Groot (Same as venom)
* King Groot (Can take away the fury frequently which prevents him from shrugging debuffs. He can also remove his regeneration which can make him much less tanky)
* Red Skull (Starts with a lot of armour up buffs which you can immediately remove. This will mean you have special attacks ready at the start of the fight with mystic dispersion, but it also means that attacking red skull whilst he is blocking will become safe again. He needs the armour to deal direct damage and power drain you)
* Howard the Duck (Similar to red skull)
* Black Panther Civil War (Won't be able to reflect your parry stun if you nullify his armour up buffs)
* Phoenix (Lots of buffs to nullify)
- gain lots of buffs
- unblockable sp2 w/o synergies
- applies bleed
- fully bleed immune
- reduced debuff duration
- has regeneration
- is a big tree
Do you want a champion who can phase like ghost, have non contact mediums like omega red and havok, drain the entirety of the opponents power bar like Magik, and even steal buffs like rogue?
Well, have I got a surprise for you. Ebony maw was added to the game for the sole purpose of being a utility god that combines all of these player-favorite concepts into one whirlwind of a character.
Ebony maw possesses complete dominance over his opponents power bar in a way few other champs can even dream of competing against. One heavy is all it takes to remove pesky power gain buffs, and if the opponent is stun immune, his special attack 1 has a 100% chance to remove buffs! On top of this already absurd utility, his special attack 3 also drains all of the opponents power, and gives him a fraction of power lost! Combine this with his non contact mediums and you’ve basically got a champ equivalent to 30 spore omega red with nullify.
Additionally, ebony maw can phase attacks by inflicting the opponent with a falter debuff. Perhaps even more remarkably, any attacks phased this way inflict the opponent with a degeneration passive! Finally, a character with some real damage! His special attack 2 also packs a severe wallop, inflicting the opponent with another passive degeneration. Last but not least, ebony maw gains persistent charges over the course of a quest. Nobody knows what they do, but all ramp champs are good, right?
So in conclusion, ebony maw is quite simply one of the best champions in the game, combining elements of omega red, magik, Corvus glaive, ghost, and symbiote supreme in a way that no other character can compare to.
Sp1 deals massive bleed. On top of that it nullifies any current buffs on the opponent and turns into regeneration of his own.
He is also an XL champion, which makes him a viable choice for variant 2.
His sp2 drains blood from the opponent faster than you can say "bandaid please!" You can also increase his crit rate if you master the moonwalk!
Opponents tend to die very slowly when you fight them using venompool. Which is great because you acquire lots of experience fighting all the champs in the realm for super long/extended periods of time!!!
-No big yellow numbers
-Has nothing to increase power gain or power rate but heavily relies on special spam
-Kills himself with suicides
-Only has incinerate immunity
-Kills himself with suicides
Instead you should let them try to hit you.
And unless you have her awakened with max sig, you shouldn't even try to block the opponent's attack either.