Everyone talks about Odin, but they forgot about poor Mangog.

IliphasIliphas Member Posts: 49
To be honest, when the description of this champion appeared, I was very inspired and interested.
Strong champion of the mystic class, who has all the distinctive abilities of this class: stagger, energy steal and nullify, as well as regeneration, rage, unstoppable, armor break and stun.
A champion with the mechanics of hatred and enrage who would be an extremely dangerous defender...
And he appeared... a champion, who is an absolutely identical copy of the Dragon Man, starting with the the model and ending with the same short duration effects, only MUCH WORSE (I have a Dragon Man at 5\65, believe me, I know what I'm talking about).
So what do we have, champion, with base stats lowered to almost zero - seriously?
The game is such that if we are fighting against a strong opponent, then in fact we do not care about his basic stats, he will still destroy us with a couple of hits - this works almost 100% of the time, what do the basic stats mean for the champion we play? - all.
I'm not saying that all champions should have stats like Elsa (highest crit chance) or Vulture (highest crit damage), but certainly not 4% crit chance and 145% crit damage.
Okay, maybe the champion doesn't need these stats, maybe he does a great job without them thanks to his mechanics (Immortal Hulk for example), you are absolutely right! but this is definitely not about Mangog.
I don't even know if I need to keep writing about how bad it is, or better to say about what really needs to be changed.
The main problem of the champion is the duration of almost everything, as well as the signature ability, which, it seems to me, was generally done simply because every champion should have it.

Let's take a look at everything in order.
I have already said about the basic stats, but I did not say that Mangog has the ability to improve them and everything would be fine, but absolutely all of his abilities are based on this mechanic, and what do you think? It works disgustingly badly.
Damn 8 seconds, this is how long the enrage mode lasts for the poor fellow Mangog, and the poor fellow he is because as for me this is a mockery of the champion, which I quote "the physical manifestation and sum total of the hatred of a billion billion beings from a race that was imprisoned through a mystical spell by Odin and the Norse Gods."
Let's omit all these nuances about the discrepancy between the strength of the champion in the game and the strength of the champion in the comics, I am basically indifferent to this fact. It is important for me that it is in the game that the champion is useful (preferably the most) at least in some aspects of the game.

Okay, well, they had a good laugh, and now let's get to the really important thing, how to help him become a little better without breaking the balance (if you've read up to this point, then you really are not indifferent to the champion, like me).
I will separately highlight the moments for attack and defense, to make it clearer.
Again, the main problem is that the enrage mode is too short, but this would not be a problem if it had the normal ability to pause or extend.
Let's take a look at how this mechanic works:
To get a stack of hatred, you need to finish a combo of 5 hits on the enemy, it is also a way of getting hatred in defense, but you know - this is a complete failure.
The mechanics of the champion forces you to hit the enemy with exactly 5 hits, and if the attack is still going well, then it causes laughter in defense, because the main opponent of Mangog in defense is a human torch, whose main combo consists of 3 hits in general.
What to change?
"Given +1 hatred every time either champion hits 5 times" - This will also work for special attacks (This point is questionable, since, in theory, Mangog has a limiter on the speed of receiving hatred stacks, but his work may need to be adjusted.). For understanding, you can set a hit counter like Thor Ragnarok.
Allows Mangog to accumulate hatred in defense and makes it easier to accumulate hatred in an attack on roads where 5 hits cannot be made.

So, now let's deal with the enrage mode itself.
When playing for Mangog, you will need to stay in enrage mode for as long as possible, ideally, of course, for an infinitely long time.
At the moment, this is not possible, even when playing against a champion who has a lot of buffs (Groot).
Solution: 1) During special and heavy attacks, the enrage mode is paused - In principle, a fairly simple move used in the case of the Immortal Hulk. It also allows you not to suffer from the loss of enrage mode when you charge a heavy attack, which in general has a purely positive effect in almost all aspects.
2)The rage buff is given immediately upon entering the enrage mode and the duration is paused while Mangog is enraged. Who even likes having to get punched in the face to get a buff? (Poor Juggernaut). (Doubled attacks are not the worst thing that champions are armed with, especially since nothing prevents them from nullify).
3) Think about the duration of the enrage mode, in principle, as for me, it deserves at least 16 seconds. You still have chances of ending the enrage mode, but performing some actions when you are not so tightly pressed for time is priceless.
When performing actions to pause the enrage mod timer, it stops for 4-5 seconds (it was 3 seconds) (adjustment may be needed).
Instead of changing the numbers, add the ability to refresh the enrage mod timer completely. For example, using a heavy attack. (yes, I know it looks hackneyed, but what can I do).
Talking about Mangog as a defender, it all comes down to one simple line
Unstoppable will nullify when Mangog is hit by a special attack, in principle this is only dangerous on roads where your champion is not allowed to accumulate energy
Yes, there is still a danger of getting an unblockable 2 special attack, but worse than zero energy for a Thing with 15 rock stacks.
All that is written above is NECESSARY changes, in my opinion, of course.
Below is a list of things that could be changed, but even without them we would have a great champion who can be used in a lot of places. (With the exception of Signature Ability, I will discuss it separately.)

"While enrage Take 50% less damage from enemy attacks and the Recoil Mastery" - I think this line can be removed, Mangog is definitely not a suicide friendly champion, because he needs to use a lot of special attacks anyway. Given the longer enrage mode, this will not do anything good in defense either, although it will add danger to him. Longer fight, more chance of error and getting 2 special attacks.
If we talk about holding a heavy attack, then even if the damage is halved, on difficult missions this will not lead to anything good.
For a rotation with a heavy attack, I would suggest another option so as not to lose hp, either, the damage from a heavy attack should be high enough for the loss of hp to be worth it, or there will be another option described in the signature ability.

"Heavy Attacks: While Enrage is not active, consume 2 Hatred to inflict an Armor Break Debuff for 15 seconds, reducing Armor Rating by 233.33."
An interesting enough ability, but the restrictions on modes and the requirement to spend charges makes it almost goofy.
Moreover, the value of the armor break is not that great.
New: "Heavy attack inflicts Armor Break for 15 seconds. The longer the Heavy Attack is held, the more powerful the debuff, up to 900."
Sensible increase in damage, but in general it makes sense to break armor for those champions whose abilities depend on armor.

"Special 2 - Energy Cannon
Each hit deals a burst of 1177.65 Energy Damage.
The first hit Steals the Opponent’s Power above their nearest Full Bar, if they have less then 1 Full Bar of Power, all their Power is stolen. Mangog gains 100% of the Power stolen from this attack.
If Enraged the final hit inflict a Stun Debuff for 3 seconds. If the Opponent is struck the Stun is removed."
What would I definitely add here:
This special attack does not give the opponent energy! Because stealing and then holding a heavy attack doesn't always work as it should.
There is also a nuance about the very last line.
For example, if a heavy attack updates an enrage mode, then it is desirable for us to attack with a second special attack, stun the enemy, reduce the distance to him with a medium attack, and then use a heavy one. The last line does not allow this. If there is no possibility of updating the enrage mode, then the last line, in principle, does not matter.
And finally, the signature ability.
I would like to consider several options.
1) Endless hate:
The number of hatred stacks increases by 4 for every 20 signature stones, with 200 signature ability the number of additional hatred stacks = 40. In total 50.
Gain +78.5 Attack Rating per Hatred.
Gain +10.5 Critical Damage Rating per Hatred.
These values are for 200 Signature Ability.
So, now let's think, this option is suitable for Mangog with the possibility of a refresh enrage mode, and with just an increased duration. At the same time, the champion, in addition to damage, receives all additional bonuses to stats from his own abilities.
It sounds a bit imbalanced, but do not forget that you need to support the enrage mode in one way or another in both cases described above.

2)Empowered by Sin
While holding a Heavy Attack, Mangog gains a Chargeable Shield that reduces incoming damage by up to 80% for a maximum duration of + 1% for each hatred stack.
Increases the effectiveness of the basic parameters received from personal abilities by 300%
When hit during a heavy attack, it has a 100% chance to refresh the duration of the enrage mode.
These values are for 200 Signature Ability.
This option is great only for Mangog with the increased duration of the enrage mode.
The rotation is extremely simple, use the second special attack, start charging a heavy attack, with the maximum charged hit, you will receive only 10% of the enemy hit.
Of the minuses, you definitely need that the enemy can be stunned and that the duration of the stun is maximum, the enemy should not gain energy by itself, you understand why.

Many thanks to all those who have read to the end, I hope someday we will see the news that Mangog will receive a update.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes made in the text above, since it took me 4 and a half hours to write this text. There is simply no strength to analyze synergies.


  • KingCybertronKingCybertron Member Posts: 94
    1st, Vulture and Warlock both have same Crit Dmg. 2nd,Great one!
  • Stebo_79Stebo_79 Member Posts: 642 ★★★
    Seems to be the trend tbh. Whenever there's two new champs, one always tends to overshadow the other. Sometimes rightly so, other times it just because one gets more hype, even when they're both solid. Time will tell.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,334 ★★★★★
    Does it mean Mangog requires high skill to use effectively?
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,512 ★★★★★
    Mangog is mystic Air-Walker so with my flawless maths, he is the best mystic champ, he is Top 0, above the rest.
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Pretty crazy that 5/6 of 2021's champs have been absolutely dreadful
  • IliphasIliphas Member Posts: 49

    Does it mean Mangog requires high skill to use effectively?

    If you are talking about my updated version of Mangog, then in an attack it rather requires the ability to stun the enemy for maximum damage.
    If in defense, then he will definitely become extremely dangerous.
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