Analyzing Champions - Bleed Damage

Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
edited March 2021 in Strategy and Tips
I've made this post analyzing all the bleed damages of different champions in the game.

Some Info:

1) All the champions in question are 6* R3, 5* R5 if the 6* version hasn't been released, and 4* R5 in the case of Deadpool.
2) The damage is unaffected by masteries.
3) The damage is unaffected by furies, ramp-up, awakening, sig level, etc.
4) The damage is unaffected by synergies.
5) The highest damage offered by a champion is the one analyzed. Other damages have been stated in the Enhancements/Other Cases field. The details of the other damages will be added in the note at the end of the table.
6) All the bleeds considered are single stack, with their base duration.

Calculation Method:

The total damage and the duration are listed in the champion abilities. These have been entered as is.
Bleed per second has been calculated by dividing total damage by duration, up to 2 decimal places.
Bleed per second has been rounded off to give bleed per second (whole number).
Bleed per second (whole number) has been divided by 2 and rounded up to give bleed per tick.

All these have been done using MS Excel formulas.

The enhancements/other cases have been calculated via calculator.

The Final Table:


DISCLAIMER: I have not included the chance each attack has to inflict bleed. Even though it states an attack "inflicts bleed" it is not necessarily a 100% chance. I have written it like that for simplicity's sake. These attacks are not guaranteed bleeds, unless the abilities say so. Please don't sue me for this lol.

1: Aegon – Special 2 inflict bleed, dealing 58.13 dps. Bleed damage scales with combo up to 60, max damage being 3488 dps.

2: Black Panther – If awakened, every attack inflicts bleed. Bleed damage scales with sig level, with max being 317.62 dps

3: Blade – Well-timed blocks inflict bleed, dealing 396 dps. Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 264 dps. Special 3 inflicts bleed dealing 284.3 dps.

4: Carnage – Landing a critical hit while the opponent has bleed or armor break inflicts bleed, dealing 290.18 dps. Heavy attacks inflict bleed, dealing 171.47 dps.

5: Deadpool – Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 623.23 dps.

6: Deadpool X-Force – If awakened, Special 1 inflicts bleed, damage scales with sig number, with max being 749.99 dps. Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 1670.92 dps.

7: Domino – Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 509.3 dps.

8: Drax – Critical hits inflict bleed, dealing 598.8 dps.

9: Elektra – Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 583.14 dps. Special 2 inflicts bleed, dealing 628 dps.

10: Goldpool – Special 2 inflicts bleed, dealing 933.3 dps.

11: Gwenpool – Landing a heavy attack while the opponent is bleeding converts one bleed into another one, inflicting 581.48 dps. Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 403.12 dps.

12: Hawkeye – Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 1489.37 dps. If awakened, arrow strikes inflict bleed, damage scales with sig number, with max being 626.01 dps.

13: Joe Fixit – Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 272.07 dps.

14: Killmonger – Special 3 inflicts a bleed stack for each bleed, dealing 321.2 dps.

15: Magneto – Special 3 inflicts bleed. Damage scales with prowess buffs.

16: Medusa – Active Armor Shatter inflicts bleed, dealing 51.44 dps.

17: Namor – Medium attacks inflict bleed, dealing 149.7 dps.

18: Nick Fury – Medium attacks, heavy attacks, and hitting into auto-block inflict bleed, dealing 12.47 dps. 8 stacks of bleed are converted into passive internal bleed, dealing 269.46 dps. Special 2 inflicts bleed, dealing 93.56 dps. His bleeds have 100% more potency against opponents that are not regenerating.

19: Old Man Logan – Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 118.37 dps.

20: Platinumpool – Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 107.04 dps.

21: Punisher – If bleed is active, all attacks inflict bleed, dealing 506.22 dps. Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 441.02 dps. Special 2 inflicts bleed, dealing 648.46 dps.

22: Squirrel Girl – Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 62.8 dps.

23: Taskmaster – Special 1 and 3 inflict bleed, dealing 89.4 dps. Bleed damage scales with debuffs on opponent, up to 10, max bleed damage being 894 dps.

24: War Machine – Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 217.43 dps.

25: Winter Soldier – Special 1 inflicts bleed, dealing 704.18 dps. Special 2 inflicts bleed, dealing 852.43 dps.

26: Wolverine Weapon X – All attacks inflict bleed, dealing 93.33 dps. Special 3 inflicts bleed, dealing 207.4 dps.

Standings By Total Damage:


1) Carnage has the total highest damage, which is pretty surprising. But the long duration of the bleed results in a pretty average dps.
2) Black Widow Claire Voyant has the worst total damage. Her total damage is actually worse than most champions' dps.
3) The average total damage is 3403.61.
4) Surprisingly, all of the champions having damage higher than the average are the older champions. Most of them are OG, and almost all of them are pre-2018.

Standings By Damage Per Tick/Second:


1) Elektra has the highest damage per tick, which was the biggest surprise of all. I've seen in other posts and polls most people reckon it's Nick Fury, Killmonger, or Magneto. But Elektra has the highest single stack, unenhanced, raw damage.
2) Black Widow Claire Voyant is last again for damage per tick. Not surprising at all.
3) The average damage per tick is 390.00. Only a third of the champions actually manage to cross that threshold.
4) Once again, it seems that the older champions have the higher damage per tick.


Though many champions have insane bleed damage, once we even the playing field, the data has given surprising results. Aegon requiring a high combo, Nick Fury having increase in potency, Magneto relying on prowess buffs, and various champions stacking bleed, has shown that the total bleed damage can be enhanced, and exponentially inflated. This is why they are some of the most popular choices for bleed damage dealers.
Kabam has shown a trend of moving on from high base or raw bleed damage, to more manipulatable ones, like in the cases mentioned above. It's interesting to see this evolution, because it requires some basic understanding of a champions mechanics to unlock their true (bleed) damage potential.

Credits:, for providing the champion abilities, from where I obtained the raw data.

@Crcrcrc for helping me see this through, answering all my questions, and being the reason my sanity is still intact.

Post edited by Kabam Ahab on


  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,000 ★★★★★
    Whoa, that’s a lot of info.
    It looks awesome!
    I’m still quite surprised Elektra has such a high base bleed damage
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    Whoa, that’s a lot of info.
    It looks awesome!
    I’m still quite surprised Elektra has such a high base bleed damage

    And yeah, I don't think anyone expected Elektra to be the highest lol.
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    Awesome! Curious to see where horsemen wolvie would be.
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★

    Awesome! Curious to see where horsemen wolvie would be.

    Might just go insane if I had to take all the synergies, and stacking and furies into account lol.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    honestly not surprised Elektra is at the top of that list

    that being said I did forget she was in the game until a couple of hours ago
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Another fact: Nick Fury has the second highest damage per tick while fighting against opponents that are not regenerating. Elektra still tops that.
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★

    I love how Magneto’s damage limit with enhancements is infinity. 😂

    It scales with the number of prowess buffs he has. I...took an educated guess.
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  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Mcdonalds said:

    Wait, so If DPXF’s bleeds stacked, he could be the most potent bleed damage dealer at max sig?

    The awakened ability enables him to inflict bleed on sp1. The damage at max sig is 749.99 dps. His bleeds only last 3 seconds, and you need to manage to spam sp1 multiple times to keep them up, which is probably not possible.
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  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    How much you used to score in Maths ?
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Rohit_316 said:

    How much you used to score in Maths ?

    I've actually got a 100 in Boards.

    I used a calculator for all of this though.
  • DRTODRTO Member Posts: 1,689 ★★★★★
    How long did this take you?
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
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  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    DRTO said:

    How long did this take you?

    I did this over the course of 3-4 days, would say over 6 hours for sure.
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    HI_guys said:

    Is this meaningful? 5*, BP synergy team. No suicides , no boosts. Single bleed ticking for 34414 per second

    I didn't take synergies and stackable bleeds into account because that might give an unfair advantage lol
  • EdwxnEdwxn Member Posts: 215 ★★
    WOWEE. A lot of info. Great job man!
  • Scarcity27Scarcity27 Member Posts: 1,906 ★★★★★
    Edwxn said:

    WOWEE. A lot of info. Great job man!

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