Medusa is good especially because if you got black bolt she’s got a great synergy with him I’ve also found her more useful in act 7
well i dont... also i took venom cuz he doesnt need to awakened or need synergies... my top r 1/65 nebula, 4/55 doom, 4/55 domino, 3/45 apocolypse, 3/45 red hulk. so i wont be able to use medusa and use her snergies for a quest.Also i am not even thinking bout act 7... currently in 5.4
Oooh punisher 2099 is super underrated if you need power control and can maybe awaken him he could be better than the other two
if i need power control i hav doom.... i dont have an evade counter so venom is awsm... my nexus was amazing, will open a 6star after tier 6. I want a cgr or ghost so badly from it
Venom for the Variants