What are your thoughts on gambit?

I got the 6* yesterday and was fairly happy with the pull
He has decent power and regan control
a strong concuss
big sp2 and sp1
quick prowess build-up
fairly tanky
He also has a decent crit rating
I want to dupe him for further crit rating so I can get even more big special crits
Your thoughts?
He has decent power and regan control
a strong concuss
big sp2 and sp1
quick prowess build-up
fairly tanky
He also has a decent crit rating
I want to dupe him for further crit rating so I can get even more big special crits
Your thoughts?
Perfect block foreva
-Good damage
-Bleed resistance
-Counters all passive damage
-riddiculous prestige/ PI
- 100% perfect block with synergies and horseman
- Massive Concussion
I personally managed to pull and dupe this guy twice over a span of two months out of 4 crystals which gave me depression and sleep on him. Only recently am I finally opening up to him.
I was actually rolling this featured to try and dupe mine, more than trying to get anyone else. But RNG didn't bless me with his dupe.