In Defense of Air-Walker. Behold, Galactus’ Wrath!!

Ok, before all the disagrees and Air-Walker hate. Please watch this very short clip and really look at this damage. This L3 hit over 110k total damage. These 14.7k medium crits also had 7.3k direct damage totaling 22k on a medium. Each hit is doing an additional 50% direct damage on top of the big yellow numbers. So, this guy is the biggest dud of 2020?
He’s actually pretty fun to use, after the first two ramp up fights anyway. His damage is pretty nasty once you figure out his rotation. Get 4 armor breaks, keep refreshing them ( so easy and manageable), launch that SP3 and then unleash the wrath of Galactus.
In all fairness, what ramp up champ isn’t underwhelming their first ramp up fight or two.
The only bummer is he has no immunities and little utility. But nevertheless, my point is, don’t just go off YouTube and tier lists (not hating on Seatin whatsoever, you keep on keeping on man. You are a huge benefit for players in the community especially newer ones). Still, formulate your own opinions people.
He’s actually pretty fun to use, after the first two ramp up fights anyway. His damage is pretty nasty once you figure out his rotation. Get 4 armor breaks, keep refreshing them ( so easy and manageable), launch that SP3 and then unleash the wrath of Galactus.
In all fairness, what ramp up champ isn’t underwhelming their first ramp up fight or two.
The only bummer is he has no immunities and little utility. But nevertheless, my point is, don’t just go off YouTube and tier lists (not hating on Seatin whatsoever, you keep on keeping on man. You are a huge benefit for players in the community especially newer ones). Still, formulate your own opinions people.

First two fights and the bad sinergy with suicide masteries kinda stop me from really loving him tho.
Community this quick snippet of what he can actually do, damage wise. So take it, leave it, just think for yourself.
1 charge: When launching a special attack, Air-Walker purifies all non-damaging debuffs
2 charges: All attacks reduce autoblock and miss ability accuracy by 100%
3 charges: 3 armor break debuffs are converted to an armor shattered debuff
Now, I am not at all implying he is better than
Hyperion. Hype is arguably the best cosmic with a ton of utility and certainly more utility than AW.
I’m solely pointing this out to underscore the amount of damage showcased here.