i have mine at R5 and i love him, the best answer to warlock for me and my mastery setup (I run willpower) ^_^ he has immunity to bleed and shock, a pretty rare combination, and immunity to power manipulation from #metal champions, niche but really useful in my opinion; he can take a lot of blocked hits if played well, making him pretty tanky; armor breaks are really good after the buff, so he can dish out some nice damage when all 11 armor breaks are placed (10 from the rock shield and 1 from his SP3) and these debuffs can be refreshed with the 4th light hit, so you can keep them up for all the fight (really good for Emma/KM); he is a beast for the Cav EQ Cosmic node, i've seen my Terrax doing 22K with a medium, followed by a 58K Heavy *_*
He isn't the best champion but he has his uses and he hits pretty hard, i would rank him up if I were you and i needed what he can bring to the table ^_^
He isn't the best champion but he has his uses and he hits pretty hard, i would rank him up if I were you and i needed what he can bring to the table ^_^