Who to get from a 6* nexus? (Running suicides)
I don’t like some of the champs, and some of them are supposedly getting some good overhauls. Tough choices
Who to get from a 6* nexus? (Running suicides) 89 votes
Sorcerer Supreme
74 votes
8 votes
Black panther classic
7 votes
I will note that I’ve already R5 (or R3 6*) the best skill champs in the game.
As a fellow suicider, I feel your pain here. I'd probably take a gamble with BP and really, really hope he didn't get a DDHK-like buff. That said, I think they learned their lesson there if Kingpin is an example.
SG is a safe pick, but I'd only go her if I didn't have her utility already covered... and I'd still probably go BP because I'm an idiot gambler.