Looking for active player/s

Deuce2180Deuce2180 Member Posts: 124
Good afternoon, we are immortal vampires. Looking for 1 maybe 2 active players.

We run 55555/33333/44444.

We do it this way as I know that people still have a life. We hit over 120mil a week in aq and get just over 3.1k in glory. Aw is optional. Line and aq mandatory. We are really relaxed people and a friendly alliance. All we ask in return is people be active in aq. This is my second alliance build (other one is still going) and I've tried keeping the same basic requirements in this one and it seems to be working. Just looking for a friendly, active person with no ego, helpful and preferably with map4 or 5 experience. Aq is finished fast done before lunch everyday.

My line ID is deuce2180

Game name daywalker22 or C.H.E.F

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