Progression Question

Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
edited March 2021 in Strategy and Tips
As far as my current progression goes I've:
  • Done 100% ACT 5
  • Done 100% variants 2,3,4
  • Done completion runs for variants 1,5,6
  • Just have the Grandmaster left for Act 6 completion.
  • Haven't touched LOL or Abyss
I'm wondering if the T5CC selector for Act 6 completion is worth holding off on the Grandmaster fight and instead focusing on 100% variant 5&6 and maybe 100% 6.1 and 6.2. Then once I have the 25% T5CC crystals from that content I can make a more informed choice on the selector. I think I have the champs to clear any of that content above with a bit of effort (maybe not Abyss), but on the other hand, finishing Act 6 completion would give me extra resources to upgrade my roaster and make that content easier. The direction I choose would change my rank up choices. I would probably rank 5* professor X for phase 3 of the Grand master or 5* Immortal Abomination for Variant 6 depending on which content I tackle next.

As it stands right now on the T5CC front I've got around 1/4 of Mystic, Mutant, Skill, and Science, less than 10% for cosmic and tech. The only 6*s I have worth upgrading past rank 1 are Stryfe (unawakened), Mojo (sig 20), Void (sig 20), Hit Monkey (unawakened) and Thing (unawakened). As that list stands right now I'd probably lean towards using the selector for mutant with a eye towards Stryfe for LOL/Abyss at some point, but not sure if that is the best use of a selector.



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  • Angelfire_TNORAngelfire_TNOR Member Posts: 64
    Zan0 said:

    Definitely do variant 5 and 6 before getting the act 6 selector

    Would you go variant 5 or 6 first?

    For 5 I have (A= Awakened):
    5* Rank 5: Doom(A), Sparky(A), Sorc Supreme(A), Stealth Suit Spiderman
    5* Rank 4: Venom The Duck(A), Venom, Symbiote Supreme(A), Longshot, Magik, Voodoo,
    6* Rank 1: Mojo(A)
    extra: could use 5* rank 3: Mephisto(A), Ghost Rider(A), Dorm(A) for immunities in a pinch or rank 4 with a 2017 as I get them.

    For 6 I have (A= Awakened):
    5* Rank 5: Doom(A), Ghost(A), Apocolyse(A), Magneto(A)
    5* Rank 4: Omega Red(A), Void(A), Killmonger(A), Venom The Duck (A), Venom, Sentinel, Immortal Abomination
    6* Rank 1: Mojo (A), Stryfe, Yellow Jacket
    Cheese: 5* R2 Rhino, 6* rank 1 Mr Fantastic (for Doom Synergy).
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  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    I think Variant 5 is best choice. Sym Supreme, Doom, Venom, the 2 Spideys and Magik can handle nodes in rotation. Mephisto though is a sneaky pick, especially for bottom path in 2.2 where there is Power Shield but gaining power is super difficult. His natural power gain gets you to SP3, giving you permanent incinerate
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