Play normally. If the opponent goes into a block, do a 4-combo into their block to get your bat ignited. By that time, you should be around sp2. Hit the opponent when ignited to incinerate the opponent. While opponent is incinerated, use sp2 into the opponent's block.
Massacre is so fun and easy to play. I took my 6* to R2 recently. I would play normally till the opponent goes to block and then hit on his block till ignited and then melting begins if the opponent is open, if he blocks you can gain power and still do dmg due to block penetration. You will be sp2 ready by now which does around 40-60k dmg on block and he misses incoming attack for 1sec. He also got good AAR on sp1 which comes in handy.
I would play normally till the opponent goes to block and then hit on his block till ignited and then melting begins if the opponent is open, if he blocks you can gain power and still do dmg due to block penetration. You will be sp2 ready by now which does around 40-60k dmg on block and he misses incoming attack for 1sec. He also got good AAR on sp1 which comes in handy.