Morningstar starts the match KO'd in Master Mode Quest

MixkebabMixkebab Member Posts: 82
I ran a 4* team in Master Mode event quest. This was the second to last quest with Morningstar as the final boss for the second time. I took out half her health with one champ, and when I started the match with a second champ, Morningstar ran to the center of the screen while lying down!

Then the minute the match starts, it ends!! Morningstar is KO'd and I win!

This is definitely a bug that I just suddenly bumped into. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot to prove it because it lasted 1.5 seconds. I might try it again to get a screen capture but first I am bringing this to the admin's attention. Please notify the developers that there's something buggy with Morningstar in the master mode event quest.


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