T5CC - Glory Store

> I am cavalier and also completed act 7.1
> my current roster cannot explore act 6 or 7.1 as well as other content such as variant 5 and 6.... I also do not have the champions to complete the abyss
> i am trying to get the thronebreaker title and i am having a hard time getting t5cc fragments
> my suggestion is something i think will help players that are in the same situation as me
> the cavalier glory store doesnt have t5cc fragments or crystals that can help us meet the requirements of the rank 3 6* needed for thronebreaker
> I am free to play (for the guys thinking why cant i just buy deals with t5cc and stop complaining). i really think if we had the ability to purchase t5cc crystals or fragments in the cavalier glory store it would really help us in our journey to getting the THRONEBREAKER title
> i dont mean a full t5cc when i say crystals... I mean like the 2% or 5%...i dont know what % crystals the thronebreakers can buy from their glory store
> my current roster cannot explore act 6 or 7.1 as well as other content such as variant 5 and 6.... I also do not have the champions to complete the abyss
> i am trying to get the thronebreaker title and i am having a hard time getting t5cc fragments
> my suggestion is something i think will help players that are in the same situation as me
> the cavalier glory store doesnt have t5cc fragments or crystals that can help us meet the requirements of the rank 3 6* needed for thronebreaker
> I am free to play (for the guys thinking why cant i just buy deals with t5cc and stop complaining). i really think if we had the ability to purchase t5cc crystals or fragments in the cavalier glory store it would really help us in our journey to getting the THRONEBREAKER title
> i dont mean a full t5cc when i say crystals... I mean like the 2% or 5%...i dont know what % crystals the thronebreakers can buy from their glory store