Don't fix what ISNT broken! - Parry

DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
Okay, im not usually one to moan, but Parry is absolute shocking! I am dropping my block because I am expecting my original block to trigger parry, and it SHOULD be triggering parry.

Back before 12.0 Parry was a perfect functioning thing, never any issues, always worked when it should have... now it's severely broken.

I am parrying when sometimes I dont even mean to, and when I should be doing a Parry it doesn't give me it.

Why did you ever tamper with it in the first place? It was fine and functioning as it should, now it's a complete mess.

Can you not set it back to how it was originally? It should always be working, now it's like % based and just gives you it when it wants to... but there are nodes like stun immune and Limber to stop Parry being effective... instead of altering the chances of it happening like it seems is currently being done.

Please just change it back to how it was, it's serious frustrating.


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  • FlazinatorFlazinator Member Posts: 126
    Yeah parry is still not working like it should. I don’t know how Kabam can continue to screw something so simple up with every update. They don’t want their game to work cause it don’t force people to get pots and revive for aq/aw.
  • _slippery_pete1_slippery_pete1 Member Posts: 82
    Guys they fixed parry. It was working for us right? Well it needed to be fixed so it works for kabam. We were killing and doing to much damage with specials. So kabam fixed it so we couldn't do that anymore. All you need to do is buy more stuff from them so you can last longer. There fixes aren't suppose to be fixes for us there fixes for kabam aren't they? Thats what i thought anyways
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Every update it works different for different devices. It's much better now for me than it was a couple updates ago. 15.0 seemed to fix it for me but wrecked it for others.
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    edited October 2017
    Parry is still very broken. It seems like they shortened the window on when parry would be effective, probably because people kept getting parried in arenas and wars way too often. I remember adjusting my masteries to reduce stun as much as possible because it happened so much and randomly. Then because of the shorter window, they have been toggling the timing for when you hit a parry. The problem is first that they seem to change it every update, and second, that even if you land a parry perfectly, it doesn’t always trigger parry. The second I have no idea why, and it is clearly the most frustrating. I don’t understand why this is so hard. And we continue to hear ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from Kabam about this. Give us something here. Do you not see these problems? I truly do not understand unless this really is just a way to have us buy more potions.
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    It was broken for a while. Then it seemed to get better, but not as good as it was. Now it seems broken again. Why do they keep messing with it? Maybe it was too easy before, but whenever they try to adjust the fighting mechanics, they break it and create a bunch of new bugs. This is so frustrating. After every patch, I have to figure out what they screwed up and change my fighting tactics to compensate for it.
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    It was broken for a while. Then it seemed to get better, but not as good as it was. Now it seems broken again. Why do they keep messing with it? Maybe it was too easy before, but whenever they try to adjust the fighting mechanics, they break it and create a bunch of new bugs. This is so frustrating. After every patch, I have to figure out what they screwed up and change my fighting tactics to compensate for it.

    Exactly what I experienced since 12.0, parry was gradually getting better but now it is just severly inconsistent, however some people claim it is better including some alliance mates. When I ask them how it is better they say after a 5-hit combo it is working very well. However, that is such a elementary way of playing, mashing 5-hit combo and parrying. Dashing-in opponents I am forced to block because parry WILL NOT WORK. Kind of ruins it for higher lvl content and parry>heavy reliant champs. I am at the point in the game where block damage = death. If I know I won't be able to intercept parry used to save me by severely reducing that block damage.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Parry was working better before this hotcrap fix. Now it's severely off again. Good luck completing AQ
  • HuluhulaHuluhula Member Posts: 263
    Yeah parry is a crapload better than it was a few days ago.
  • RebusUIRebusUI Member Posts: 45
    edited October 2017
    What’s parry? I don’t even know how to do it anymore... I thought kabam got rid of that... lol

    This game and parry is inconsistent... they trying to make the game difficult but messing with its mechanics...
  • Viper1987Viper1987 Member Posts: 728 ★★★
    DaMunk wrote: »
    Every update it works different for different devices. It's much better now for me than it was a couple updates ago. 15.0 seemed to fix it for me but wrecked it for others.

    I think this is the best post to explain things. Parry was perfect pre 12.0. Then it turned awful. I couldn't parry worth anything. After 15.0 though, parry feels way more consistent and I'm actually able to parry consistently now. It sucks that parry can't just be universally tuned to all devices. It seems like some people get to parry when others can't.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 876 ★★★★
    Before 15.0 I could parry half asleep. Now I have no idea when will it work or when it won't. Super inconsistent. Kabam please revert to pre 15.0 values for parry
  • MagicBentonMagicBenton Member Posts: 296 ★★★
    Parry is 100x better after 15.0 on my devices (Samsung S7 and Note tablet), so it's clearly being device-specific. It's a shame they can't get it right on all devices at the same time, but since I've had it broken for ages now it's your (I assume this is affecting iOS devices) turn to deal with broken fighting mechanics for a bit.
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  • D_S_D_S_ Member Posts: 159
    Parry is so inconsistent now
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    From what I've seen, I don't believe Kabam ever meant to change Parry and it's timing. Parry has been the unfortunate knock-on effect of the "fixes" for other problems. When the AI was recovering too quickly, timing parameters for each champ had to be adjusted. Those same timing parameters effected parry. How many times have they fixed one thing only to completely ruin something else?

    Add into it that the design team has to review over 110 different standard champs (and several quest specific champs like Symbiod/Adaptoid and Maestro) with each fix, we're looking at over 12,000 different fight combinations (ignoring other elements like rank/level/sig and stars). Then, if we consider each version of a champ (star and awakened/unduped), there are over 400 "different" champs between just 3* and 4* alone. And since any two champs can fight each other in the 4* basic arena, we're looking at over 160k different fight combinations. How do you beta test that many different combos?
  • KINGLEOKINGLEO Member Posts: 85
  • tbos42tbos42 Member Posts: 61
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    Parry has actually been much more consistent for me since the update....
  • D_S_D_S_ Member Posts: 159
    I’m on an iPhone and it is so much worse now. Not sure if that has anything to do with it
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Parry seems to be the only thing working for me. My specials are getting blocked, i cant attack after their specials, and everytime i evade i get clipped.

    I liked it better in 15.1.
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