champs after used in the arena taking usual time to get recover even after asked for help

My champs after used in the arena taking usual time to get recover even after asking for help. When I tapped on Help it is working as usual.
But If close the game and come back after sometime those champs still appearing there to ask for help. It is happening since Version 19 update.
Not only this, my mobile freezes and won't even respond to power buttons and all for some time at every 5 th or 6th streak in the arena. Also has Map 5 issue where game loading screen comes and Eventually looses champ. I know some of this things are already posted here. But I'm posting caz these. Things r here for months and hasn't been solved yet.

But If close the game and come back after sometime those champs still appearing there to ask for help. It is happening since Version 19 update.
Not only this, my mobile freezes and won't even respond to power buttons and all for some time at every 5 th or 6th streak in the arena. Also has Map 5 issue where game loading screen comes and Eventually looses champ. I know some of this things are already posted here. But I'm posting caz these. Things r here for months and hasn't been solved yet.