Crystal Hoarding And Lag

There is a post up about how auto opening tons of old crystals will help game performance. If that is what it takes to improve the game, awesome!
If it does make the game run better can get get some sort of turn in event? Swap up gold crystals in batches, upgrade tier 1 through 4 cc. Maybe turn in X amount of t4cc for a percentage of a 5. Turn in masses of arena boosts for solo objective crystals. A discount on solo objective crystals to get people to dump their balance. Maybe offer a 10 percent discount on crystals. These are just examples of course.
If a drastic increase of performance is to be gained from a stop hoarding event I think players will sacrifice some of their time to clear out the thousands or tens of thousands of crystals that aren't worth opening. I know I would.
If it does make the game run better can get get some sort of turn in event? Swap up gold crystals in batches, upgrade tier 1 through 4 cc. Maybe turn in X amount of t4cc for a percentage of a 5. Turn in masses of arena boosts for solo objective crystals. A discount on solo objective crystals to get people to dump their balance. Maybe offer a 10 percent discount on crystals. These are just examples of course.
If a drastic increase of performance is to be gained from a stop hoarding event I think players will sacrifice some of their time to clear out the thousands or tens of thousands of crystals that aren't worth opening. I know I would.