1. Vision age of ultron
Vision should have the ability to phase, have increased damage, and should give degenerating from his sp.1
2. Spider-Man Stark enhanced
For this one I would just request him to be added as a 6 star champion and update his synergies. Them being iron man infinity war and the sinister 6.(you decide what happens)
3. Black panther civil war
Black panther should have increased critical damage and his special attacks should have higher damage aswell(sp2+3 should give bleed and have updated animations). He should also have the ability to give bleed from basic attacks(90% chance with every hit)
As a duplicate ability he should have ‘spirit of the black panther’ where all his ancestors give him strength so he can gain unblockable ,unstoppable, indestructible (4 seconds)and 40% increases attack for 15 seconds.
4. Thor(Rag)
Thor should have 300% increased damage, increased power gain and should give high amounts of shock (100% chance from any hit) when below 25%(duplicate ability). It should also last for longer(15 seconds). His sp1/2 animations should change so he can give debuffs from them.
When not duped he should have higher damage and shouldn’t have power gain.
5. Thor (Classic)
Thor should be able to hit heavier and give more amounts of shock and stun. He should also have an updated move set
6. Hulk(classic)
(Duplicate ability:The strongest one there is)When below 30% The hulk should be able to gain up to 20 fury stacks with each stack increasing damage by 35% ( each hit knocks one off), get unstoppable for 5 seconds, gain regeneration of 20% health and purify all debuffs(including passive). Without duplication he should have more health and an updated move set.
7. Iron man (classic)
Iron man should give shock from sp 1 and 2, he should also have an updated move set(special attacks aswell) and immunity to bleed and poison. As a duplicate ability he should have:nostalgia. This is when he is below 5% percent or about to be knocked out he should replace his old arc reactor with a new giving him a full new health bar.
Non duped he should give taunt and gain fury buffs.
8. Captain America(classic and ww2)
Captain America’s shield should get block proficiency making him take max damage of 100 from any opponent. Also after hitting the shield 15 times the attacker should get weakness and be stunned for 3 seconds. This should be stacked and all stacks are removed when knocking cap down. As a duplicate ability he should be immune to unblockable attacks and have a 1% chance to resist special attacks. He should also have more health and an updated move set.
9. Black widow (classic)
Black widow should be able to give shock form sp1(updated move) and should be able to nullify fury buffs.
10. Hawkeye(classic)
Hawkeye should have an updated move set, he should also when above 50% be able to use his bow(updates move set) to inflict coldsnap, incinerate or shock (3 second rotating timer) on his opponent. When below 50% but above 20%the ability to neutralise opponent, and when below 20% Hawkeye should be able to hit critical with every hit(duplicate ability).
Unduped Hawkeye should have true strike when he has landed 15 hits. The true strike lasts 12 seconds.
11. Mister Fantsastic
Mister Fantastic shouldn’t be evadable and should have increased damage.
12. Electro
Electro should have a 40% chance to give shock with every basic attack. And when below 50% against tech champs get life steal and power steal (duplicate ability) .
13. Thanos
Thanos should be added to crystals (3 star and above)
Thanos should have an updated character appearance(mcu fit) and an updated move set. He should have more attack and health aswell.
For his sp1 he should madly twist around his double edged sword slashing his opponent 3 times with each hit having a 35% chance to inflict bleed. His sp2 should be a smash to the ground, then a dash at the opponent dealing 150% damage (always critical) and giving them rupture for 20 seconds. His sp3 should be him putting his last stone in the gauntlet and unlocking his full power (in pain when receiving(animation)) and then with all the stones he beams the opponent then rushes them and knocks them out of space. This should give stun and degenerate doing 50% of thanos’ attack.
As a duplicate ability he should have:infinity.
This is where each stone provides him a power
Time: thanos reverses time and instantly gains 30% health
Power: thanos gains a 200% fury buff and gives armor break for 8 seconds
Reality: gives Thanos the ability to phase for 8 seconds.
Space: stops the opponent from being able to dash forward or backwards for 5 seconds.
Mind: this allows Thanos to give his opponent slow and ability accuracy reduction for 8 seconds.
Soul: this lets thanos power steal 150% power, and life steal 10% of damage given.
When he uses one of the abilities, the stones go on cool down for 15 seconds.
The stone abilities rotate for 1 second each and to activate one thanos must do a heavy attack on his opponent. Once a fight, when thanos is about to be knocked out he gains the power of all stones at once but cannot reactivate any of them again.
14. Ultron (aou)
Ultron should have increased attack, have a 20% chance to inflict shock and instead of evade he should have auto block giving parry.
Ultron should also give petrify, taunt and be immune to psychic attacks(including taunt).
(Don’t think this is enough either, anything else?)
15. Storm
Storm should have an updated character appearance (including her hair too, this is so that when she reaches her best form -called weather lord- her hair would go up while she gets her buffs). Storm should have an updated move set( involving her using lightning) and be able to inflict shock with every lightning hit. As a duplicate ability storm should have power gain, increased attack by 75%, increased shock, unstoppable 2 seconds), unblockable, heal block(when striking the opponent) and increased reactions giving her a 35% chance to evade her opponent( this can only be used once and when used nullifies her unstoppable, unblockable, power gain and shock increase). These abilities all last for 12 seconds.
And finally the avengers should have updated sometimes as a group( each set of time periods) so it would be ( captain America (classic), iron man (classic), black widow (classic), hawkeye(classic), hulk(classic). And the next set would we Captain America (infinity war), Thor (rag), Hulk classic(classic,rag wouldn’t suit) Iron Man (infinity war), Black Widow(deadly origin), Hawkeye (ronin)
Thanks for reading the list of my request please add these as it would make the game more enjoyable🙂
(Anything else that should be added or something that should be changed in my suggestions?)
Vision should have the ability to phase, have increased damage, and should give degenerating from his sp.1
2. Spider-Man Stark enhanced
For this one I would just request him to be added as a 6 star champion and update his synergies. Them being iron man infinity war and the sinister 6.(you decide what happens)
3. Black panther civil war
Black panther should have increased critical damage and his special attacks should have higher damage aswell(sp2+3 should give bleed and have updated animations). He should also have the ability to give bleed from basic attacks(90% chance with every hit)
As a duplicate ability he should have ‘spirit of the black panther’ where all his ancestors give him strength so he can gain unblockable ,unstoppable, indestructible (4 seconds)and 40% increases attack for 15 seconds.
4. Thor(Rag)
Thor should have 300% increased damage, increased power gain and should give high amounts of shock (100% chance from any hit) when below 25%(duplicate ability). It should also last for longer(15 seconds). His sp1/2 animations should change so he can give debuffs from them.
When not duped he should have higher damage and shouldn’t have power gain.
5. Thor (Classic)
Thor should be able to hit heavier and give more amounts of shock and stun. He should also have an updated move set
6. Hulk(classic)
(Duplicate ability:The strongest one there is)When below 30% The hulk should be able to gain up to 20 fury stacks with each stack increasing damage by 35% ( each hit knocks one off), get unstoppable for 5 seconds, gain regeneration of 20% health and purify all debuffs(including passive). Without duplication he should have more health and an updated move set.
7. Iron man (classic)
Iron man should give shock from sp 1 and 2, he should also have an updated move set(special attacks aswell) and immunity to bleed and poison. As a duplicate ability he should have:nostalgia. This is when he is below 5% percent or about to be knocked out he should replace his old arc reactor with a new giving him a full new health bar.
Non duped he should give taunt and gain fury buffs.
8. Captain America(classic and ww2)
Captain America’s shield should get block proficiency making him take max damage of 100 from any opponent. Also after hitting the shield 15 times the attacker should get weakness and be stunned for 3 seconds. This should be stacked and all stacks are removed when knocking cap down. As a duplicate ability he should be immune to unblockable attacks and have a 1% chance to resist special attacks. He should also have more health and an updated move set.
9. Black widow (classic)
Black widow should be able to give shock form sp1(updated move) and should be able to nullify fury buffs.
10. Hawkeye(classic)
Hawkeye should have an updated move set, he should also when above 50% be able to use his bow(updates move set) to inflict coldsnap, incinerate or shock (3 second rotating timer) on his opponent. When below 50% but above 20%the ability to neutralise opponent, and when below 20% Hawkeye should be able to hit critical with every hit(duplicate ability).
Unduped Hawkeye should have true strike when he has landed 15 hits. The true strike lasts 12 seconds.
11. Mister Fantsastic
Mister Fantastic shouldn’t be evadable and should have increased damage.
12. Electro
Electro should have a 40% chance to give shock with every basic attack. And when below 50% against tech champs get life steal and power steal (duplicate ability) .
13. Thanos
Thanos should be added to crystals (3 star and above)
Thanos should have an updated character appearance(mcu fit) and an updated move set. He should have more attack and health aswell.
For his sp1 he should madly twist around his double edged sword slashing his opponent 3 times with each hit having a 35% chance to inflict bleed. His sp2 should be a smash to the ground, then a dash at the opponent dealing 150% damage (always critical) and giving them rupture for 20 seconds. His sp3 should be him putting his last stone in the gauntlet and unlocking his full power (in pain when receiving(animation)) and then with all the stones he beams the opponent then rushes them and knocks them out of space. This should give stun and degenerate doing 50% of thanos’ attack.
As a duplicate ability he should have:infinity.
This is where each stone provides him a power
Time: thanos reverses time and instantly gains 30% health
Power: thanos gains a 200% fury buff and gives armor break for 8 seconds
Reality: gives Thanos the ability to phase for 8 seconds.
Space: stops the opponent from being able to dash forward or backwards for 5 seconds.
Mind: this allows Thanos to give his opponent slow and ability accuracy reduction for 8 seconds.
Soul: this lets thanos power steal 150% power, and life steal 10% of damage given.
When he uses one of the abilities, the stones go on cool down for 15 seconds.
The stone abilities rotate for 1 second each and to activate one thanos must do a heavy attack on his opponent. Once a fight, when thanos is about to be knocked out he gains the power of all stones at once but cannot reactivate any of them again.
14. Ultron (aou)
Ultron should have increased attack, have a 20% chance to inflict shock and instead of evade he should have auto block giving parry.
Ultron should also give petrify, taunt and be immune to psychic attacks(including taunt).
(Don’t think this is enough either, anything else?)
15. Storm
Storm should have an updated character appearance (including her hair too, this is so that when she reaches her best form -called weather lord- her hair would go up while she gets her buffs). Storm should have an updated move set( involving her using lightning) and be able to inflict shock with every lightning hit. As a duplicate ability storm should have power gain, increased attack by 75%, increased shock, unstoppable 2 seconds), unblockable, heal block(when striking the opponent) and increased reactions giving her a 35% chance to evade her opponent( this can only be used once and when used nullifies her unstoppable, unblockable, power gain and shock increase). These abilities all last for 12 seconds.
And finally the avengers should have updated sometimes as a group( each set of time periods) so it would be ( captain America (classic), iron man (classic), black widow (classic), hawkeye(classic), hulk(classic). And the next set would we Captain America (infinity war), Thor (rag), Hulk classic(classic,rag wouldn’t suit) Iron Man (infinity war), Black Widow(deadly origin), Hawkeye (ronin)
Thanks for reading the list of my request please add these as it would make the game more enjoyable🙂
(Anything else that should be added or something that should be changed in my suggestions?)