Uncollected & Cav is not the same

Yet Cav players are being treated as uncollected.
I really hope you make sure Cav players get better offers than uncollected this 4th July and that includes help getting T5CC because that’s what Cav players need to progress !!
Why does Cav players get the same prices as uncollected in the glory store ? Lazy
I really hope you make sure Cav players get better offers than uncollected this 4th July and that includes help getting T5CC because that’s what Cav players need to progress !!
Why does Cav players get the same prices as uncollected in the glory store ? Lazy
The point is Uncollected is even easier, come back when you’re pubes grow out.
Have yours grown out yet? Guess not.. seeing that you’re complaining about Cav and UC.. 🤷🏻♂️
There's a guy in another thread complaining he can't be TB because he's only level 56 and doesn't have enough space for 4 T5B to take a champ to R3. That means they don't have act 5 done, probably didn't do act 4 100% and has one path through act 6. He has a 6* Doom to rank up. These aren't the people this title is made for. It's made for people who had R3 6*'s before the title was ever released.
People need to stop saying it's luck based.
Disagree that cav's should have a roster full of r3 6*'s.
The amount of work people put into become thronebreaker was no simple featm
The difference between cavalier and thronebreaker Is much greater
than the difference between uncollected & cavalier.
But I agree the cyber Monday deals where very underwhelming for cavalier players. They should make it better.
But the difference between the two should be just as immense.
If they raise the value in the offers for Cavaliers they should balance it out by raising the value in offers for thronebreakers