Which one for r3? Warlock/G99/Ghost unduped

AlexRazorAlexRazor Member Posts: 9

Which one for r3? Warlock/G99/Ghost unduped 17 votes

Valmez 1 vote
TheJalliMUSTAFAKİNGWOLFNo_oneukdot_dittoChikelStoNerdDarkKnight646 7 votes
DragonUnleashedddomBigKidScottySarvanga1_MaxLeeJragonMaster170Gr8TonyStarkScarcity27ChosenOne_0411 9 votes


  • StoNerdStoNerd Member Posts: 182
    I wouldn't r3 ghost unawakened as I am used to her awakened ability. Where as Warlock benefits a lot at r3 with increased stats he can do pretty good dmg along with his utility.
  • ddomddom Member Posts: 572 ★★
    Easy decision. If you're good at ghost/like her, then it's her. She's the best 6 star in game.

    If not, Warlock
  • ChosenOne_0411ChosenOne_0411 Member Posts: 22
    Ghost any day... Her damage is epic. You would just lose out on some power gain unawakened which would make fights about 10 seconds longer which isn't a big deal
  • MaxLeeMaxLee Member Posts: 205 ★★
    I have an R3 6* Ghost unduped and trust me she is a beast even unduped, her awaken ability is like a cherry on the top, but it's not like she is less useful unawakened like Aegon & NickF.

    But in your case, I will say between Ghost and Warlock take the one which you don't have as R5 -5*, if you have both then take Ghost up.
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    If you have a high sig 5*, you probably wouldn't use a 6* R3 over her much and I'd probably go with Warlock. Any other situation and I'd go with Ghost. It also depends on how good you actually are with her.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I have a different take on all this ..

    Let's start with current situation .. all 3 at R2 ..

    They're all useful - in their own way .. however, due to their play styles ... we see some differences:

    Ghost: may/may not take a while to take down a huge PI foe .. however, if/when played correctly, she takes 0 damage throughout the fight.

    G2099: May take a while to ramp up initially, however, once there, if you play well (ie don't get directly hit), you're only taking chip damage, and her combo/damage keeps ramping up ... Her low health heal will resolve most chip damage issues in the long run.

    Warlock: Let's face it ... unless you're a total intercept god, you're probably going to take block/chip damage while playing ... His sp3 may offer some regen/health gain .. so this may be good as well.

    So let .. if we allow all things to be equal here ... ask yourself which one benefits the most from the rank up?

    damage wise? probably not clear .. they all do very good in that department .. maybe goes to Ghost though.
    Utility? probably not a major diff between ranks ... ignore.
    Survivability? Let's face it .. Ghost is the queen of survivability (Won't argue if Quake is better or worse ;) doesn't matter for my discussion here :P ) ... in the long haul, she doesn't "REALLY" need the rank up to do what she does best.
    However, the other 2 ? Yeah, they'll definitely provide more to you. Ghost will finish fights faster, yes .. however, in a fight where Ghost works fine, the speed isn't going to really matter much. What about the fights Ghost doesn't work? You'll need the G2099 or that Warlock .. and without them R3 .. it'll be MUCH harder to get through. I'd consider going with either non-Ghost option first ... IMHO it really helps other champs "MORE" than it helps Ghost.

    So of the other two ... I'd say Warlock .. between G2099 cloak and low health heal ... she's probably got more safety nets? Warlock has the control in the heal with Sp3 .. so go with him and go to town.
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