First ever rank 5, who should i do?

This will be my first ever rank 5. So need advise
I got enough catalyst of mystic or tech to rank 5
My champions of both those classes are as follows

The content i am aiming at?
I can do master mode with my currect rank 4 roster easily, .....i am having problems at Act 5.2.4..... Which is quite tough at rank 4 champion ( for completion , not exploration)
RoL is secondary aim.
I got enough catalyst of mystic or tech to rank 5
My champions of both those classes are as follows

The content i am aiming at?
I can do master mode with my currect rank 4 roster easily, .....i am having problems at Act 5.2.4..... Which is quite tough at rank 4 champion ( for completion , not exploration)
RoL is secondary aim.
GR, bloody magnificent champ if you know how to play with him. And his amazing heal will help in ROL.
Wait for a Vision dupe. One of the best, if not the best power control champ in the game, will get you through some tough content
And tbh i think that 5.2.4 is the hardest of them all. 5.2.6 is easy compared to that exept for the Collector
As many pointed out SW or GR...well my SW is at sig 76
And yeah i am quite good with GR. Sig level 40
My first choice is SW, but im skeptical about is she good enough for 5.2.4 still. Or go with GR who is really awesome but damage is less compared to SW.
It takes me a while to get good stack of revive potions, so i rarely use them much and i know i have to use most on collector. I am aiming for uncollected title thats all right now.
Definitely taking him to rank....3 xD
HIM !!!? What kind of magik do you have bro?
GR is a huge pain in the ass in 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 with the bane timer.