Is Magik a good pick for act 5?

pheonixcreatorpheonixcreator Member Posts: 69
I beat act 4 quite a while back, and focused more on alliance stuff and events. I managed to (thanks to AQ) rank 5 my 4 star Magik. Is she a good pick for getting to UC?


  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
    Yes, since act 5 is the first act where opponents can use their special 3. This means using her, you won't need to worry about it

    Just spam sp2 with her and after the first time, the opponent won't gain any more power.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,955 ★★★★★
    Definitely. She’s one of the best power gain champions in the game.
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